3 gallon pots for full plant life?


Well-Known Member
Was thinking of planting in 3 gallon pots for full life...only want to do a short 3-4 week veg....4week at max, than cut the light back...reason being is there all being grown in a dr150 and im trying to fit 9 in nicely and allow for some growth, rather than switching the lights back after days or a week like standard sog methods usually do...another words, im hoping for more yield per plant than sea of green, but not trying to have it over packed stuffed in there


Well-Known Member
I veg for 8 weeks and use 3 gallon from The get go. Works great and the plants love it! Would work great 4 u


Well-Known Member
I go with 5 gal buckets you will see most people do reason being you need about 1gal soil for ever foot of height I would say 3 gal will be fine because if it ends up root bound you can alway double pot happy growing


Well-Known Member
appreciate the comments

i dont wanna sound like a complete noob, i do have 1 solid grow under belt (see super lemon haze a noob's first harvest)

last grow, i used 5 gallon pots and it was just a real wallet pincher cause oceans forsest by me is a whopping 25 a bag....so with a bag going to basically 2- 5 gallon pots....its not exactly worth spending hundreds of dollars on soil....that and space management...i dont think huge plants would be as productive in a tent as small plants


Well-Known Member
Hmm I have to agree my smallest plant is 4' and my biggest is 6'5 it just shot up! Was crazy now I am hoping it doesn't get anybigger takes up tons of space and being short I have to stand on something to see the tops or trim if needed I prefer my little one also have you thought about getting the soil online?


Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow. I don't see a size difference in the one 3 gallon pot I have, the others are 5. It could be I'm not maximizing my 5's to see the difference, the one thing I do notice is I have to water that 3 gallon plant twice as much.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the pot size will be plenty for what you're doing. BUT, if it's max yield you're looking for, go with 5 gallon. Go big with the light too, 1000 watts if you can, even if the area is only 3' x 3'. Lights and roots, is what you're looking for, and more is always more. The foliage will follow, accordingly. :wink:


Well-Known Member
im thinking of grabbing a lumatek 1000 watter, than setting it for 600 watt's and going with 2 600 watts in the tent...the tent is a dr150, specs 5'x5'x6'7....currently i have a basic reflector and a digital greenhouse 600 watt hps and conversion bulbs, plus a 250 watt hps that i use for small auto grows and experiments....if i go with another light in that tent, it's gunna definitely be with a air cooled reflector, and air will have to run thru both lights which could get expensive, but at the same time im sure itll be extremely worth it.

i have been pondering these damn pot sizes and how many plants im gunna stuff in this damn tent and how big im gunna grow them and what ive concluded with is 5 gallon pots, growing the plants to a (hopeful) 5 feet max (12/12 @ 24"....this gives me 12" between plants and light and with the air cooling, that should be fine....last time i had them at the same with no air cooling and everything turned out amazing....just steady wind blowing on bulb


Well-Known Member
realistically it actually gives me 1 foot 7 inches between light and plant to play with as well....so no harm in growing them big....last time i let em get 5'5, super lemon haze....havnet purchased bud since april of this year, 4 plants 1 harvest been smoking 24-7 the fattest bongs i can pack and have just started hitting my last huge jar....figure by the time this is ready that'll be done, perrfect!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a plant in a 3 gallon right now and has been all summer and its so root bound that if I stick my finger in the soil all I can feel is root. I would highly suggest a 5 gallon.