3 leaves, clones with 1 leaf?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, been riding a trainwreck for a few grows and I must not have been paying enough attention to my mum. Brought her out today and noticed that all her leaves are 3 leaf growth. Looked at one of her kids that I grew in veg for a long time in a small pot, transplanted the kid and have been growing her into a scrog, all 3 leaves. Have had a bitch of a time trying to clone, no roots, dying off etc. Looked at 3 that I finally got to root in Jiffy pellets and they have some 3 leaf and some Single Leaf, WTF.

What caused this, bad genetics?
Will my 3 leaf scrog still bud and put out?
What about the clones with 1 and 3 leaves?
Could this be the problem why I haven't been able to clone?

The clones were just an experiment to practice cloning,as I haven't had any success since the first run and I really dont need them, as I have a few different strain from seed started.
These are in my veg room, 250w MH, clones under 2 cfl's. I know the mum has going about 6 months now. Havent been able to clone her since the first run. These girls are happy, 75-80 temps. 40-60 humidity. Lil Lady bugs I harvested in the fall to keep'm clean.

I may have under feed the mum to keep her smaller.
I know you said you've been growing it for a while, so it must not have been producing three fingered leaves before. That's definitely odd. However, I have found that the best OG's here is so cal usually have predominately three fingered leaves. Go figure.
Have 3 that are finishing in a day two and they are 5 leave and in small pots (plastic Folgers cans ;0 ) Looked over the my first scrog that is about 25 days into flower, 3 leaves and big pretty buds every where, so even thou they have 3 leaves there kickin butt. Only thought I have is that I had run out of Happy Frog and had been using some cheap shit (Black Magic ?) instead. The scrog that is rockin is in Happy Frog. The clones that finally took are mutants, momma and the mutants go into the compost pile tomorrow. I've been going nuts trying to clone that bitch the last couple months with no success. Bubble cloner nogo, Starter dirt in a tray and dome, nogo. got 3 in Jiffy pellets after about 24 days to take and their the mutants. I was ready to shit can my bubble cloner and go back to just seeds. Have 3 different strains about a month from seed, when they start to alt branch I'll break out the bubble cloner again. At least I hope that's why I couldn't clone after the first run.

scrogs are in 3 gal with HF, along with the new girls