3 plant groww picss i have a question!..


Well-Known Member
005.JPG009.JPG008.JPG007.JPG006.JPG004.JPGwell this 003.JPGis my fourth yearr and im worried my plants wont be mature enuff to flowerr outdoors there still kinda small i need someo010.JPGne to tell me im oretty sure flowering starts mid july in ny and thats soon correct me if im wrongg butt im just worried 002.JPGthey wont make itt i have two plants in one pott and ive been using nutrients from the hydro shopp and its wrking greatt 001.JPG


Well-Known Member
You should be good by mid-july, hopefully they show pre-flowers by then, so when it does turn to 12-12 they will be ready for flowering. Don't stress out too much, just take it day by day, your plants should be fine :P