3 questions

Getting ready to clone for the first time tonight.

I have 3 questions:

1. top or bottom of plant...which is best, or does it matter? I want to take top for limited height purposes.

2. If I take the top (cola stalk) a few nodes down, will it grow back and do side branches behave the same way?

3. If not, where does new growth happen?


Well-Known Member
1. top or bottom of plant...which is best, or does it matter? I want to take top for limited height purposes.

**Top Usually has a better chance of surviving

2. If I take the top (cola stalk) a few nodes down, will it grow back and do side branches behave the same way?

**It won't grow back A New top Once it's cut

3. If not, where does new growth happen?

** The Side Branches Grow Larger

Sorry I was High lol :(
1. take clones from the nodes that are most likely to form "popcorn buds" and wont substantially affect your yield, these are usually towards the bottom.
2. yes, you will be topping your plant. the side branches will stretch towards the light a bit more.
3. at the top 2-4 main colas (depending on pheno). lower clones usually wont grow back
Thanks! I topped it last night...so far so good, hopefully it'll root.

I read so much about how the top was better than bottom, and how supposedly taking from the bottom was better because of certain horemones, etc.


Well-Known Member
i heard its better to take from a bottom branch since they are older they have more hormones, they will root faster. plus the lower branches wont yeild much bud anyway


Active Member
i heard its better to take from a bottom branch since they are older they have more hormones, they will root faster. plus the lower branches wont yeild much bud anyway
Younger shoots/branches tend to root faster. The older (and more fibrous) branches have a harder time forming roots. My personal experience has been that colas or any dominant meristem will usually root eventually... but a whole lot slower than a young/lower branch will.