3 Reasons why not to "LEGALIZE" in CA.


New Member
#1 I won't be able to make money off of it.#2 No more sinsimilla,The "HEMP"(MALE) will be grown too,unless you got a special screen system to block the pollen.#3 "WATEREWARS"!,CA does'nt have the water, to supply Mass Marijuana Cultivation,Unless they can create Big "Desalination"Factories,where fucked!The price of water will skyrocket.


Well-Known Member
#1 I won't be able to make money off of it.#2 No more sinsimilla,The "HEMP"(MALE) will be grown too,unless you got a special screen system to block the pollen.#3 "WATEREWARS"!,CA does'nt have the water, to supply Mass Marijuana Cultivation,Unless they can create Big "Desalination"Factories,where fucked!The price of water will skyrocket.
1) If you work the system, yes you can make money. It might not be the same as right now but it's still possible.

2) Greenhouses.

3) So California has absolutely no farms? no vineyards? There won't be any more water shortages then we see right now.


New Member
"Special Greenhouses" which will cost alot of $.The price of anything that is grown is CA. will skyrocket.Marijuana needs alot more water, than regular crops.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
"Special Greenhouses" which will cost alot of $.The price of anything that is grown is CA. will skyrocket.Marijuana needs alot more water, than regular crops.
It wont be that different, trust me, oh and marijuana doesnt need much more water than other crops, wtf is that about? there are NON-NATIVE palm trees all over cali that require 40 gallons of water a day! oh and just cuz its legal doesnt mean quality would be compromised, everyone is still gonna want there female flowers, for rec or medical use, so not everything is gonna be all fucked and pollinated, and too bad if you cant still make money, thats why it should be legalized, so the marijuana industry can become more legit and get rid of dealers, sorry you wont be able to push your dime and dubs anymore haha


New Member
Yea quality is totally going to go down if its legalized..

BUAHAHAHAHA NO ITS NOT!!!! Its gunna get stronger and extraction methods that are just ideas would be able to be done on large industrial equiptment. No, it will only get better.


New Member
if feal quality is going to be regulated kind of like how ther alchohol is with 10-20-30-40-....proof they will have thc percents and it will be regulated. i feel they as in the state govt will make it legal only through a doc even for rec use. but will be stated if you use it for medicinal of rec use or both. i feel growers will be able to grow but has to register with the state and pay a huge tax to grow big. if you dont and get caught it you wil probably get "jacked for your weed" by the state govt and also pay a heavy fine. there will be no way of a water shortage for plants. look at all the resivors thats are in place up the valley floor of the san jaquin from sac to bakersfeild. this is where all the ganja will be grown if there were to be pot farms. i feel the govt wil have a share kind of like share cropping for pot to pay this state debt. soon other states will follow. i feel that one day ca and the west coast might break off of the mainland. kind of like it own republic. i also see texas and alaska fowllowing these are states that can sustain its own self without a federal govt.
I agree cutting the middle men (dealers) out of the picture is the way to go. Large scale industrial production of anything makes it cheaper its simple economics... That is why the price of any illegal drug is high compared to legal ones. Plus if Marijuana comes off the Black Market and into the Corporate world there will be competition which means companies will be competing to bring you the best product at the cheapest price win win for everyone. As for the water shortage... well tell your neighbors to stop using 50 gallons of water per day on their over priced unnatural lawns and maybe there won't be a shortage...


Well-Known Member
#1 I won't be able to make money off of it.#2 No more sinsimilla,The "HEMP"(MALE) will be grown too,unless you got a special screen system to block the pollen.#3 "WATEREWARS"!,CA does'nt have the water, to supply Mass Marijuana Cultivation,Unless they can create Big "Desalination"Factories,where fucked!The price of water will skyrocket.
In response to your concerns.

#1 : There will always be people too lazy to grow their own, if this were not the case there would be no big tobacco companies for the government to sue.

#2 : They aren't going to allow industrial production. It's more small scale cottage-industry type growing with limits per person/client.

#3 : Well instead of whining about it, why aren't you doing something to ensure that you have a secure, reliable water supply. Surely you can see the potential for having a way of converting sea water into potable water at an economical rate that can compete with the uneconomical desalination plants that the city would build.

I of course might be interested in seeing about finding a method of desalinating water, but alas, I am not near an ocean.


Well-Known Member
#1 I won't be able to make money off of it.#2 No more sinsimilla,The "HEMP"(MALE) will be grown too,unless you got a special screen system to block the pollen.#3 "WATEREWARS"!,CA does'nt have the water, to supply Mass Marijuana Cultivation,Unless they can create Big "Desalination"Factories,where fucked!The price of water will skyrocket.
#1. No one gives a sh*t about you :lol:
#2. Drool
#3. "WATEREWARS!" sounds like a working title to a really aweful movie.

I can't stress #1 enough. :lol:


Active Member
The funniest thing is, now that there is some kind of chance at legalization for the first time in decades, the people that seem most resistant to it.. ARE THE PEOPLE ALREADY GROWING IT.
I'm actually noticing a overall positive turn in most media outlets concerning mj, if the economic situation continues I wouldn't be surprised if we see some trends starting.
See the real problem is.. potheads aren't violent, we don't stand up for ourselves enough.
The alcohol prohibition ended because people were getting killed over it on a daily basis.
They outlaw weed, and all the pot smokers were apparently too stoned to care at the time...

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
the people that dont want legalization are the people who call themselves "hustlaz" and sell a dimebag here and there to highschoolers haha they dont want legalization for their own selfish reasons. I think a lot of growers out there want legalization even if they are currently making money off it.


New Member
But WAIT ... !!! You've all forgotten the fourth reason not to legalize: It would really piss off the California Correctional Officer's Union. :lol:



Well-Known Member
First of all. The topic is not legalization, but RE-Legalization. The first cannabis laws were not put on the books until 1914 in El Paso, Texas, as a means to oppress Mexicans.
#1 I won't be able to make money off of it.
Boo-FUCKING-hoo! You could always legitimize your business. Of course, you would have to keep books and pay taxes like the rest of us. Or you could move on to items that remain illegal to continue your black market trade.
#2 No more sinsimilla,The "HEMP"(MALE) will be grown too,unless you got a special screen system to block the pollen.
Bullshit. As long as there are indoor growers who need a continual harvest, there will be sensimillia. By the way, there was sensi coming out of Mexico grown outdoors when the indoor growing movement was in its infancy.
#3 "WATEREWARS"!,CA does'nt have the water, to supply Mass Marijuana Cultivation,Unless they can create Big "Desalination"Factories,where fucked!The price of water will skyrocket.
Water will always be a precious commodity. And large scale cannabis and cannabis hemp will use no more water than cotton currently requires.

One good reason to re-legalize? Freedom. That's good enough for me.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
First of all. The topic is not legalization, but RE-Legalization. The first cannabis laws were not put on the books until 1914 in El Paso, Texas, as a means to oppress Mexicans.

Boo-FUCKING-hoo! You could always legitimize your business. Of course, you would have to keep books and pay taxes like the rest of us. Or you could move on to items that remain illegal to continue your black market trade.

Bullshit. As long as there are indoor growers who need a continual harvest, there will be sensimillia. By the way, there was sensi coming out of Mexico grown outdoors when the indoor growing movement was in its infancy.

Water will always be a precious commodity. And large scale cannabis and cannabis hemp will use no more water than cotton currently requires.

One good reason to re-legalize? Freedom. That's good enough for me.
Very very well put brother, when it comes down to it, its all about personal freedoms.