3 weeks flower and gone droopy


Active Member
I have 3 plants which are now 3 weeks into flower. They looked great until a few days ago when 2 started to droop. They are in 10" dia pots and get watered every couple of days. The flowers are coming along nicely but I'm worried about the drooping. I have been using miracle gro soluble plant food mixed in with the water as instructions on the packet - 1 small spoonful (about 5ml) in a litre of water and then poured equally between the 3. The soil stays quite damp and drops to about midway on the moisture meter before watering again. There's good drainage with pebbles in the bottom and perlite mixed with the soil. The plant on the right looks healthy and has the same treatment as the others. Any ideas????



Active Member
Dude try givein them a good flush couple of GALLONS thru each pot. Shud bring em back just nice

t dub c

Well-Known Member
It looks like overwatering, I would let the soil get dry in between your waterings. Roots need air too. Give it a try.


Active Member
looks like u got some spare height too buddy. Pot em up into bigger pots rapido, ur at the end of ur veg cycle for sure but give them roots room to stretch. In fact do this as u flush them it will settle the roots nice into knew bigger pots. the yield WILL be worth it brother xxx


Active Member
they aint over watered buddy I AINT NO EXPERT but trust me the amount u puttin thru aint near enuff on 3 plants that size ffs. I water and feed nearly every day. I flush with GALLONS of water every weekend unless i am away. Just have a peek in my thread and make up ur own mind dude Xxx good luck


Well-Known Member
This plant has been overfed and probably over-watered. There's nothing wrong with Miracle Grow but it is highly concentrated and often people use too much of it. The instructions on the label are intended for plants that are grown outdoors. If you have 1000 watt light or more you can use that dosage but otherwise you have to compensate for your lighting. If you are using a 400 watt, for example, you should only use about 50% of the dosage recommended on the label. If you're growing with CFL's you have to cut back even more. Additionally, that dosage is not meant for every feeding. Use the full dosage only once every two weeks, or even monthly. Between times, use a mixture that is 10% of that amount. (Not necessarily 10% of the label dosage, but 10% of the dosage you use as per your lighting setup.)

You don't need pebbles in the bottom unless your containers have no drain holes. It's a waste of space that plants can use for roots. Always use containers with drain holes and forget the pebbles.

I know a lot of people like moisture meters, but personally, I think they just teach people to rely on a 'device' rather than learning how to read their plants. My own (and many experienced growers) watering method is this: When watering, add until it comes out the drain holes in the bottom which ensures full distribution. Then, wait until the soil dries out completely before watering again. (And I mean completely - just don't leave them sit in dry soil for very long.) In my own humble opinion, if you do these 2 things you will greatly improve the health of your plants, and ultimately your yield.

As for the sick plant, cut back to almost no nutrients for a couple of weeks and don't over water. That is your best chance for saving this plant. (Yield has already been affected, but hopefully you can keep it to a minimum.)


Active Member
Thanks rojon. I've got my light - a 400w grolux at about 18" above the tops and thats the max I can go. How close can they be to the light?? What about nutes?? can you recommend any??

t dub c

Well-Known Member
they aint over watered buddy I AINT NO EXPERT but trust me the amount u puttin thru aint near enuff on 3 plants that size ffs. I water and feed nearly every day. I flush with GALLONS of water every weekend unless i am away. Just have a peek in my thread and make up ur own mind dude Xxx good luck
The amout he is putting through may not be enough to overwater them if the soil was DRY. Put that into soil that is still moist, and bam overwatered. Just my 2 cents bro.


Active Member
get that light down to max 6 inch bro ur wasting the energy of the lumins as they travel that 18inch gap. At six inch u wont burn but give it a day to check then keep light as close as poss for good. 3 inch if poss without burning u will get loads more yield