3 Weeks Flowering in MG OC - Should I add rose nutes?


Well-Known Member
My plant has been flowering for 3 weeks tomorrow and it is in Miracle Grow Organic Choice soil. I have never seen any nutrient burn or anything like that on the plant, but it is lighter green than another plant that I have in Miracle Grow soil. I have these rose bloom nutrients and someone once told me they were okay to use with marijuana... is this true? They are like little tiny pellets, smaller than seeds, and I no longer have the package. Should I crush some up in water and feed it to the plant? If so, how much? Thanks for the help!


Active Member
can u post some pics of ur plants im not to sure about the rose ferts u should prob. invest in something better


Well-Known Member
theyre sleepin right now so i don't have pics, but i just want to know if rose bloom nutes will help the plant or if there is a chance of burning it with the organic choice soil.. so is rose bloom nutes good or marijuana in general?


Well-Known Member
Any nutes should be alright as long as you use the right N-P-K for what stage your in. Just be easy and u shouldnt burn em.