3 weeks into flowering ( Extremely small buds?) What is wrong?


New Member
Ok, firstly at 3 weeks that is about right for your light source. The other issue I see is nute burn likely caused by N issues. What nutes are you using and at what doses and how often? Oh and more importantly, what medium are they in?


Active Member
Looks like nutrient burn to me as well, bkbbudz. Got to also concure on the 3 weeks being about right for the light source. Paroting bkbbudz on the diagnosis. Need more info on nutes and medium.


What were you expecting to see after 3 weeks mate? They are only just starting. I agree with the others, think HPS would be much better for you to flower with.

The yellowing on your big fan leaves suggests your plant is hungry, or your ph is way out and the plant isn't taking nutes up. What are you growing in? Have you got good air exchange?


Well-Known Member
Looks to be be right on track for cfls. I dont see any signs of nute burn, but do see signs of a early N deficiency(older fan leaves yellowing from the tips in, veins included). They still need more N than most bloom nutes have. And possibly slightly over watered(upper most leaves look a little water stressed).


Well-Known Member
post more information about your grow if you want better answers...and those buds look about right as everyone else is saying ;) Don't expect miracles with CFL's :D
Alright as requested here is more info. So i have 8X 23 watt fluorescent compact 2700 spec and 1x 40 watt 5700 spec. Totalling 1000 watt if it was converted into incandescent IMG_0368.jpg

I guess im asking the wrong questions.... I noticed that there are spaces between buds on a plant. When flowering into 5 weeks or so will those spaces fill up? orr should i buy fox farm etc etc and try my luck?


Active Member
man your growing in soda bottles, you won't get big plants like this, and is that soil in half a bottle put into another half with water? your trying to hydro?

if you wanted big buds, get big pots or try hydro like DWC, just grow one plant, and you'll yield more than all the plants your growing now combined, am doing that now its amazing how fast it grows, these pics when it was 2 weeks into bud 12\12, check photo

1 lady under 400w hps topped many times and now LST, i know i'll get 4 to 5 ounces minimum out of it , my last plant was half this plant and got me 3ounces

in your case get some nutes it will help, get something with more on the P and k, and an HID light makes all the deference

Holy shit, one question arabkush, does ur 400w produce alot of HEAT? if you can see my grow box thats honestly as big as it gets. I know im growing in soda bottles thats because my space is limited, i will be trying SOG cuase i just produced 25 clones. If i use HPS how many will i need?


Active Member
Holy shit, one question arabkush, does ur 400w produce alot of HEAT? if you can see my grow box thats honestly as big as it gets. I know im growing in soda bottles thats because my space is limited, i will be trying SOG cuase i just produced 25 clones. If i use HPS how many will i need?
If you are growing in such a small space, you would be best to go with a 250W HPS instead of a 400W to help keep the heat factor down a bit.


Active Member
yes HID light produce a lot of heat, my 400w is really hot up to 6 inches, thats why i keep a fan blowing on it and keep it 8inches aways from the plant, the secret is keep the lights as close as you can without burning them, when i veg in CFl's i keep them 3inches away, so you have 25 clones wow, i will assume all are females, for your box you can't grow them big , there won't be space just veg them till 8inches or less and then flower, for your box size 150w hps will do, other wise you'll have heat problems , if you have proper ventilation you can go for 250w or even 400w, but my suggestion is forget the box, take all 25 clones put them in 3gallon pots or more distribute them on 1meter square area or more with 1000w hps, then be prepared to get over a pound of buds :)
So i harvested
the buds dont realli look 2 good i guess i didnt have enough light... so i did a lil re modification of my grow space and decided to use Scrog method of grow in soil + the addutional 400watt HPS ;)

I sacrificed my two mother plants inorder to fill the Screen FAST, but before that i took a few cuttings

here is my supermist 25 doing well

my question is....does scrog work better with soil or hydro? which one grows faster?


Well-Known Member
How big is your box?
Hydro is faster, and can be A+ herb. But imho, some ultra dank organic soil grows can be A+++.
GO SCROG! :fire:


Active Member
next time you'll do better, if your gona hydro make a journal , and state everything your doing so everyone can help you, am still having trouble with hydro