3 weeks old big problems

I have a prb with my girls - 9 auto(5 BB, 3 GOM- from greenhouseseeds, 1AAK)
- 1SD, 1WW, 2WR, 1EN, 1OG KUSH, 1Amnesia
grow space 3 square meters
2-600w sylvania shp-ts- 80-90cm above the flowers
extractor fan, inline fan, humidifier, cool fan,ecotechnics controler
humidity level 60-70
temp day 24-27 celsius
night 20-23 celsius
Light cycle 18/6
soil was a cheap one-my big fucking mistake

Autos are very small for 3rd week, now i keep the ph at 6.5, aptus(regulator and start booster & atami ata terra leaves half of indicated amounts).
One of the GOM look good but the rest 8 autos are very small like 5cm.
Could you giveme some advise in the sense of keeping them or plant new ones, change the soil,replant,) , some advises for getting them on the right track.
One of the White Rhino has a twisted leaves.
10-11 of them had yelow leaves i begin to down the ph from 7.5 to 6.5..



Well-Known Member
Wow. I see this a lot. BIG ass pots, teeny tiny plants! Hell, I remember in kindergarten, we would plant beans in small milk cartons and they looked way better! Never gonna understand the attraction to "fem" or "auto". It aint NATURAL!
oK, now for advice.
Start fresh.


Make sure ur PH is about 6.5 , just buy gallon water , next make sure you lights are 18 inches from the top of the plant . Maybe try flushing ur plants ,with the water that is for sure around 6.5 PH . Thoses pot will work but youll have to pay closer attention until there bigger . Dont get the young one so hot in temp it looks that way maybe . Let the soil completly dry then water , but check on them if it seems there getting to dry give the plants a lil water , and keep checking that that temp , there lil and young dont go hard core on them then space ,water , and time . Donot give them anything but water .This hasn work well for me but Iam not a pro,


Also tell us about your lights watt , what ur using . The light looks really yellow correct me if Iam wrong but CFL


Well-Known Member
Those look like Mop buckets.. Did you put holes for Drainage in the bottom? A big pot like that, with small plants, with no drainage = Problems..:S You soil will stay too wet, and stunt growth.


Well-Known Member
You could get by with one 600w at this point.

Why are you vegging with a HPS anyway? Get a MH bulb.
i got two 600w shp-ts sylvania growlux, the pots got holes for drainage, i flushed them yesterday and now i will wait until the soil drain , thx guys,i will post pics when the situation improve