30 days into flower, Pics *advice welcome"


Active Member
hey everyone, this is my 3rd grow ive done indoors. I am using hesi's Bloom Complex about every week and a half to two weeks. 250W HPS for 12/12 of course and their in huge pots. i kept on cutting the top of the sativa(the one with the smaller leaves; right) and after about 4 tops it became a nice bush....and im thinking about putting a few CFL in to give the lower buds more lights.

i know aluminium foil isnt good but i dont live in an area i can get mylar.....

^ the sativa(unknown)

^The bottom of the two plants.....some of the leaves down here are a bit curled under....Nute Burn maybe? also the lower buds are tiny!

^ Indica(Left), Sativa(right


sooo...... over all tho how do you guys think i am doing? the buds havent really fatten'd up yet....so how long from harvest do you think i am.....3-4 weeks? also should i trim it down a bit? all my friends say they need to be trimmed...
Thanks for any Advice!



Well-Known Member
good job your doing a shit load better then me. its my first grow. im about one month into flowering and its going really SLOW. i wouldnt trim em but thats me. i could be wrong about that.


Well-Known Member
nice plants. im a newbie so my advice wouldnt be entirely credible but i think they look great. id throw some sugar water or molasses into that mix and feed em a tad more often. you said 250w hps? did you use that the whole way through, vegging and flowering? :joint::peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just because you are a newbie doesnt mean you dont know what nice buds look like; geeze give your self some credit. Coming from fellow newbie........very sweet!!!!!


Active Member
yeah i did....im pretty poor so i have to save up for the next upgrade.....250W has worked all 3 grows so for in veg. and flower


Active Member
since i am a new grower i experiment with cutting technics alot. this time however i was on vacation abroad for the first 1 1/2 months of its life so when i got back found found my mom topped it alot....its only been indoors for about 1 month and its exploded since then. we did an outdoor grow before using this cutting tech. and we got about 10 top buds and after it dried it came out to be 250 grams....1 plant.....so thats what she was thinking.....however now its not the season to start outdoors where i live. Indoor i usaully dont top....but im working with what i got.....


Well-Known Member
250w HPS is pretty sweet. Im planning on running a 600w HPS for eight plants. I hope mine turn out like yours. How many times did you top it total?


Well-Known Member
They are looking good so far man, I remember my first plant when I was 17, 33 now, It looked good smelled good, but I didn't know to flush it or how to properly dry and cure it. So it tasted and smelled like ass.
Growing is half the battle, which is looking great, it looks like haze maybe?
You probably have 4 more weeks to go, just be patient...:joint:


Active Member
for one plant it looks sweet. congrats. topping like that is the way to go. i have in the past topped once, got two colas but next grow am gonna topp 4-5 times. looking real healthy, nice and green!!!


Well-Known Member
I think putting some side lights like you mentioned would be beneficial....definitely wont hurt. Maybe get some of the bigger CFL's and put a few around the lower half of plants.

They are looking nice, hope mine come out like that. Using 400W HPS once I get to flowering, so its nice to see the possibilities using something relatively similar. Gives me something to shoot for!

Have a good one dude.


Well-Known Member
You really don't need to trim that unless the leaves are brown and dying. Green leaves are basically energy factories for your plants so the more leaves you have the more energy. If you're worried about not enough light shining through, try tying down some branches to expose more of the inner foliage to light.


Active Member
yeah.....she was toped like 5-6 times and has about 10 top buds because of that.....

I cut a square hole out of my bathroom door and installed a fan.....also i have a fan blowing on them 24/7. i remember my high school science teacher saying that different solutions will produce Co2 so i put a little thing of vinegar w/ egg shells in as an experiment. i am seeing if there is a difference and i dont mind it cuz it doesnt stink. if anyone else has used this let me know how it went.

i have some ak-47 and blueberry i cant wait to plant but these girls are just from some really good pot i got.

how often should i give them nutes by the way? every watering w/ 1/4 dose? full every 2 weeks? i dont know