30 Plant Grow Operation

daniel anderson

Active Member
I paln to start a 30 plant grow within the next 30 days. Indoor using soil. Please give advise on what I should have to set up my grow room. I will be using the garage. I want the inside of my house as well as around the outside of my house to be 100% odorless. Also, how many lights? 1000 watts? what kind are the best ever? I want stuff built to last and stuff that will allow me to expand in the future to maybe 100 plants +. Money is not an object here.


Well-Known Member
for that many you can use 2 400's no problem. i would get a hps (high pressure sodium) and mh (metal halide) combo. use the mh for vegetative and the hps for flowering. you need a fan, thermometer, hygrometer, ph analyzer (digi or pool strips) carbon filtration. good nute supply (i use advanced nutrients). when you need more help let us know

daniel anderson

Active Member
I will using clones of a strain called green crack. How much bud can possibly be produced from 30 plants??? My frind uses 4 1000 watts and he keeps light on 24 hours a day for so many days then switches to like 18


Well-Known Member
LOL,,I answered in your ganja thread,,thought I had came back here,,get the !000 watters

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
5 1000watters, a air condition unit, a few fans, nice timers, hang up some mylar, and grow them too 2 f t then bud em out bam u will have a lot of weed man trust me


Well-Known Member
2 feet? remember plants sometimes double or triple in size in the early stages of flowering how much room do u have? and can u raise and lower ur lights?


Well-Known Member
2feet=3.5 feet done right you could get 3oz per plant 3x30=90 thats over 5 pounds of dank.

if i was you i would get 4 lights...two 600 and two 1000 lights that can use both types of bulbs. i would have a nice veggie area with the 600s and 2 diffrent flowering areas set about a month a part with a 1000 in each one... you would get less of a hit right away but you would always have another crop just right around the corner if you really wanted to go big you could have 3 flowering rooms all filled by a massive clown garden...that would be lots of weed and only 5 lights and maybe some cfls here and there


Well-Known Member
If money's really no matter, ya might wanna look at that Omaga Volksgarden contraption, or Roto-Gro . . . whatever.
It's pretty much an auto-matic marijuana machine, supposedly?
Looks really cool. Google it?


Well-Known Member
Why soil? If you have the money are are going it for money then hydro is the way to go. Well actually I'd use three 4x8 aquamist tables and three 1000w lights.

Growing 30 plants to 4' takes too much soil and you end up with all those rootballs of dirt to get rid of and that's a hassle and a risk of it's own.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
if money is no object then get as many 600's as you can fit in the garage, then your going to need a sub pannel and wire it up so your room has power, then if you have enough light space and co2 you could pull probably pull a half pound per plant.....if you grow monsters, but in reality count on a few ounces per plant, with the basic growing down a half gram per watt is easy to do, then if you use co2 and sog you can get closer to a gram per watt