30litre pots auto feed?


Is anyone able to tell me how to setup an autofeed with bushes in 30 litre pots with soil in?
Not sure if drip rings are the answer or maybe some kind of sprinkler system?
my plants use about 5 litres of water every 2 days

Or does anyone know of any threads with the knowledge i need?

As always the help and advice is very much appreciated!!



Well-Known Member
I would suggest multiple drippers per pot.

Are they square pots or round?

If square, then a dripper towards each corner between mainstem and the pot should just about do it.

You'll need a decent sized pump capable of dripping 4 drippers per plant multiplied by how many plants you have.

Then a manifold to divert the water flow to each dripper.

Keep all tubing the same lengths when used in the same section.

Manifold to drippers tubing should be exactly the same length in order to maintain equal flow rates.

Then you'd need to time how long it takes to get the amount of runoff etc that you require using the system manually.

Then you could setup a timer to schedule the feeding.



Well-Known Member
What nutes do you use? I am using 30 ltr pots and only feed 2 ltrs per plant, what stage are your plants?

Lol I use 11L pots with coco as my medium and use around 3.5L of feed every 2 days on them.

You should drench your pots until you get runoff regardless of whether using soil or coco.

In coco though you should aim for around 20% runoff.

Do you get any runoff at all?


im using 30 litre round tubs and ill have 12
i dont actually have a grow on the go atm as my new grow space is being constructed as we speak
nutes have nothing to do with anything anyway as its about ability more than nutes

Anyway.... seems like a lot of work and expense for what i am actually going to achieve really