31 day old auto pounder


[h=2]31 day old auto pounder[/h]
seen alot of people wantin to see an auto pounder.here she is 15 1/2 tall 24 inchs wide.let me know what u guys think​


Active Member
it looks to me hes using cfls only, im using a 1000 watter system on my 3 auto pounders.... atleast theyre green and growing good over here, cheers mate


it looks to me hes using cfls only, im using a 1000 watter system on my 3 auto pounders.... atleast theyre green and growing good over here, cheers mate
u sayin mine aint green and growin good,grew almost 3 in taller in 24 hrs, i got pics DO YOU? id love to see em


Well-Known Member
it looks to me hes using cfls only, im using a 1000 watter system on my 3 auto pounders.... atleast theyre green and growing good over here, cheers mate
Have you harvested this strain before? Is it pretty good quality still looks like it grows pretty good for only CFls in that pic yours under the 1000 must be like double that.


Active Member
instead of takin the internet seriously and looking like a little bitch over the internet or tryin to stand up for yourself over nothing! i was saying you was growing good under the cfls so far cuz theres alot of things to take into concideration, you fucktards, stop being an internet troll and learn to step back and understand and look at things differently not everyone means shit talk, maybe you shoulda been proud i said you grew it good under cfls, stop being a lil defence prick over nothing


maybe i should of said your plants look like shit under the cfls and growing slow and kept going on, im done posting in this topic enjoy this whack thread


instead of takin the internet seriously and looking like a little bitch over the internet or tryin to stand up for yourself over nothing! i was saying you was growing good under the cfls so far cuz theres alot of things to take into concideration, you fucktards, stop being an internet troll and learn to step back and understand and look at things differently not everyone means shit talk, maybe you shoulda been proud i said you grew it good under cfls, stop being a lil defence prick over nothing


maybe i should of said your plants look like shit under the cfls and growing slow and kept going on, im done posting in this topic enjoy this whack thread
when ur in south us,let me knoww well talk about it,bra


Active Member
u sayin mine aint green and growin good,grew almost 3 in taller in 24 hrs, i got pics DO YOU? id love to see em
obviously if u read it he was giving u a compliment... or props for growing them well under cfls

then u go and get ur nuts all ruffled up like a wild turkey that saw a fox that wasnt there.....