34 tonight and tomorrow nigh


Well-Known Member
i got 2 autos that need a few more weeks --will this kill or hurt my plants---always cut if was gonna freeze, but trying to get everything i can from them.34 tonight and tomorrow night---after raining 2 days am i screwed


Well-Known Member
don't expect them to grow at those temps...if anything expect them to start dieing due to frost+cold...so either harvest now or find a way to bring them inside...i imagine your daytime temps are not high enough to really get any growth either ;)


it got down to 34 here last night as well and expecting a little lower here tonight, I'm gonna go check on my baby here in a few, but i've always heard frost wonnt kill em.


Well-Known Member
first time I let my lady plant pass this month and also into November soon...shes 41 days of flowering now...only i noticed is purple on the pistills...due to cold temp...few days ago i had put her inside because the weather news said it will frost for two days straight...so from today now there will be not frost this week or next week which i will harvest her...so as long as the leaves looks greener then its all good to me :D my advice is pay attention to the weather forecast in your area.



I checked my lady and it definitely frosted on her last night, and I didn't cover her up, she seemed to look as healthy as she has her while life. I think it's gonna frost again tonight and I won't be taking any precautions tonight either. Her buds are plumping up as I started waterin with molasses a few days back. I'm trying to give her another week then she's coming in the "hang" out! :)