35 day flowering trimmed leaves


Well-Known Member
i trimed the tips of alot of the leaves some had nut burn some were in the way and some of the bud leaves too close to the light this includes fan leaves bud leaves and just leaves i saved then up, i probobly have about a gram or 2 of leaves that i plan on smokeing :) it sounds stupid but i stole some weed leaves from somones house b4 (they helped a person rip me off) so i stole them and there were 2 little stems and like 4 leaflets i smoked them and got high so i plan on drying these and cureing them

how do you cure leaves lol?


Well-Known Member
What? you stole leaves and steams? you want to cure leaves? Umm i guess you would use the same method for curing bud.... don't know for sure, i have never cured leaves.... wait why are you doing this?


Well-Known Member
lol i was higfh wehn i wrote this

I stole leaves and stems from a fat kid who helped a kid rip me off smoked them and got high
i have my own leaves from my own plant now and i wanted to know if i could cure them lol


Well-Known Member
hey you go golfing high, haha. Ie smoked the leaves before, pretty pointless unless they had some good resin on them from being late into flower