38 days in flowering , white hairs but no buds.. whats wrong


i see no buds just white hairs and some of them are turning brown you know why that is? and what would be the reason of slow blooming?
i started giving it big bloom.
im growing on bubbleponics. i got them on 2 cfl lights
one is a 7000 LUMEN~500w13" it is full spectrum 5000k
it is the biggest cfl avail. don;t really know how many watts it really is sense its cfl . i think its 105 watts
and the other one is a 6500K Spectrum
200 WaTTS oF PoWeR OuTPuT

from seed veg for 8 weeks
and its been on flowering, for 37 days, it looks small for 6 weeks if you ask me,
months till harvest is 9-11 weeks, blue mystic
you think i should cut of fan leaves that are blockin the light and some bud sites?

on one of my plant i see brown hairs you know why that is? and it dont even have the bud yet,

must be a slow bloomer.
i got em on cfl lights , they must not be gettin enuff light

heres some pics.
the roots are kind of tan color. i dont know it its root rot. or they look like that cus of the nutes.
well let me know what up



Well-Known Member
Im guessing that your talking about the CFL's equivilent wattage, not the actual wattage? Cos 700w (actual watts) of CFL would be more than enough for a few plants,it'd grow SAVAGE buds!

(EDIT: And the actual buds themselves only really put on weight and become "buds" at 60-75% of flowering is up.)

(EDIT2: Im baked, sorry! Dont cut fan leaves off, think of them as the solar panels for the plant and have you been monitoring pH, PPM, etc?)


Active Member
not enough light my friend... and since you are running cfl's they should be REALLLLLY close to your plant


yes im giving it big bloom, in 2 days ill change the water, and the lights are right on top of the plants, it burnt one of the fan leaves thats why im askin if i cut it off.
so big bloom is not good nutes?
i herd its dont work if its not mixed with tiger bloom, and i dont got tiger bloom, i was thinkin on getting kush master advance nutes flowering a and b.
and i havent been checkin the ph level , i dont got a ph tester,
how long it take for your blue mystic to get swole and what lights you be using?


what nutes you give your blue mystic? cus on day 17 you got buds, im on week 6 and i jsut see white hairs no buds.
why is that?
what can i do to make them get swole like yours?


i must be doing something wrong cus yours at 31 days look almost ready. mine look like yours did in 10 days. but its on week 6 sense i changed it to 12/12.
i veg for 2 months, and if i put more light it be 100 degrees in there.
i be getting some brown hairs on some and i dont get it, cus theirs no bud yet on it, just pistils i can see one is starting to form, but its almost like its on slow motion.


Well-Known Member
yeah you should change your spectrum and the price of those bulbs coulda prolly got tou a 150 hps if your mechanical at all lowes has 70 hps street light for 40 bux 2 off those or 1 100 hps for 60 bux would be better or dchydro.com got a 150 sun system 66bux


Well-Known Member
or if you wanna stay cfl id go for those 65w<--(actual watt) 300w equivs they got at lowes and home depot 15bux each there 2700k 4600l but again the 70 hps puts out 6400l and remote ballasted would be cooler


i got a hps light but no ballast, those things are pricy, and my electricity bill is high as it is imagine if i used hps/ plus the room is small it would get too hot.


Well-Known Member
The 200w CFLs are ridiculously good if you keep them right on top of the plants...they can grow good plants, just few of them.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have the wrong spectrum of light. First off, you really should have at least a 100W equivalent per plant. Using 2 100W equivalents per plant is better. Remember that CFL's do get warm, but not nearly as warm as HPS or MH. If you're concerned about electricity consumption and cost of cooling, then CFL's are the best way to go. You HAVE to make sure you have the right spectrum though. During the vegetative state, they need the Blue Spectrum CFL's, those will be the "daylight" bulbs. During the flowering stage, the plants need the Red Spectrum CFL's, those will be the "soft white" bulbs. Avoid the other spectrums. I remember when I was first getting my CFL's from Home Depot and Lowe's, they had a strange third kind of bulb that had another spectrum. I don't remember what it was now, but it cancelled out the red and blue spectrums, so it would basically just be on above the plants doing nothing. Don't go with those green or gardening bulbs either. Those won't help with flowering. They sure do make your plants look nice and healthy though. Don't be fooled. . . it's just because the bulbs give off a green hue so your plants look nice and green.

Sounds like you're chugging along though. Just make sure there is plenty of lighting, plenty of cooling, a decent humidity, and the proper spectrum. Oh, one other tip I had learned earlier too. . . it does help to throw in a blue spectrum bulb with your flowering bulbs, just make sure you move it around from day to day. The plants like the red spectrum for flowering, but the one blue spectrum bulb will help to keep your foilage healthy during the flowering stage. Those leaves still need some blue spectrum to absorb so they can continue to provide a bit of energy to the plant to keep her going with flowering. It's kind of like giving a pregnant woman pre-natal vitamins.


Well-Known Member
Oh, there is a CFL sub forum under Indoor Gardening as well. You might want to check that out. It was a wealth of knowledge for me when I first started to tinker around with growing.


Well-Known Member
You should get a meter and test your ph, you dont ph the water you use right now? or am i misunderstanding. If your ph is not in range it really limits the plants ability to uptake nutes and such.What is your temps at?


my temps are around 85-90 cus the big cfl, well its the biggest one you can get that will fit in the regular socket , but it gets pretty hot, if i touch it on accident its pretty hot, now i got the fan blowin at the buds sites, before it was blowin at the bottom of the main stem, today i changed the water i put less nutes i gaved it shultz plant food and big bloom. but when will the buds start to swole up?
i dont want to put the cfls too close to the plant that will burn the pistils, and i havent checked the ph levels of water ever sense i started to grow,
its been 2 months and 6 weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Just get a PH test kit. You don't need to have a test meter if you're growing in DWC. You can just test the water after you've added the nutes, then adjust from there. I think it is an invaluable tool to have (that being the ability to test your water with a PH test kit as opposed to a meter). Meters are nice but they're damn expensive. It's cheaper to get a test kit from your local hydro shop, internet, or even some simple strips from a pool supply store. Knowing how to test the 'ole fashioned way is the foundation to understanding your plants and their environment. It takes practice but I'll bet by the time your next grow comes 'round, you'll have a much better understanding of your plants. It takes more time but it makes the whole growing process a lot more fun and interesting. And, you'll appreciate all the precious time you put into your grow so much more when you get to smoke some great buds, that YOU grew all by yourself.



yea well actually this is my second grow, my first grow was shit, i grew them in soil, i told the guy at the store to give me organic soil and what u know he gives me some soil with bark in it, well i used it sense thats all i had, and 2 months later my plants barely on the seond node, they was growing slow if any, they eventually died, but nirvana sense the same order twice, so i grew the rest in DWC and thats what works for me, well i be looking at other blue mystics grows and like at day 30 flowering theres buds are huge, and im on week 6 and thats what i got. isnt that something, when will the buds start to get swole? i got the plants on top of them by a couple inches cus the biggest one gets hot and it started to burn off the fan leaves.
im not sure if its growing slow or if its fine, sense this is my fist real grow, well first time i ever flowered. well on m next grow i wont plant all 5 seeds at once, cus one of the plants took over all the space when i topped it, lol i topped it thinking it wont get too tall and its getting pretty tall for an indica.

what can you tell me about LST growing? will that method give me more buds?
well let me know what i can do to make this babies swole up.

get at me


Well-Known Member
How often are you changing the nutes? I grew BM by DWC last year & found that changing the nutes reservoir at least every two days no matter how much or little they had drunk helped the plant alot.. Your roots look a little brown too they don't look very healthy?


i change the nutes every week , and about the roots, i wouldnt know cus the plants that got left behind and werent getting any light and died and i didnt removed thwm till i thought about it, well i didnt want to move the roots but then i notived they was turning brown and some slimy stuff so i removed them, hopefully it didnt damage all the roots, well if the roots are supose to look white like they did when i was veg, then no they are not.
how long it take for your BM buds to swole up? i see a bucnh of pistils but no bud really..
so my roots dont look healthy?

and what nutes did you give your BM is did you flower it for 11 weeks?
mine are on week 6 and shouldnt they be bigger/
starting to get worried cus they are not getting swole