3mx3mx2m tent help ?


Well-Known Member
I want to start a grow tent 3mx3mx2m I was just wondering how many lights ? Best watt ? How many plants ? Would be a real help thanks :)


Well-Known Member
I like to help out mate, but come on dude..make a little research effort.
A first grow that size will fail without it...honestly, I don't mean to be harsh...
I'll start you off; 600w hps will do 1m2 nicely, but there are many alternatives...


Well-Known Member
Yea ive done a lot mate lol I was guessing 4 to 6 600w lights ? Just wonder how many plants realy with enuff space to get enuff light to all parts of da plant an get a nice yield of them thanks


Well-Known Member
Yeh man, 4-6 600w is bang on. I wouldn't bother going for 1000w as you can get more even light spread out with 600w's...
Plant numbers would depend on grow method; Scrog if you're wanting a nice even canopy, but I love it so I'm probably biased ;)
Accept my apologies for my presumptuous 1st post...neck wound in! ;)


Well-Known Member
Wats the best way for highest yield ? I've been looking in to defoliation ? Scrog? I wana get da most from my crops lol


Well-Known Member
De foliation?!?!?!?

step away from the scissors citizen.jpg

...put the scissors away for the time being! lol!

Scrog is great for maximizing yield. It takes that Xmas shape plant and makes it flat..check it out.

(Edit) If you click on my journal below, you'll see my Scrog..which is nearly done...