3rd gen clones browning, occasional yellow dying leaves


Active Member
I have 6 clones, 3rd generation White Widow. They're in I believe 1 gal. pots right now. Watering about once weekly (once they finally dry out). Happy Frog soil with about 40-50% perlite. Using Dyna gro nutes and cal-mag plus, alternating between waterings from nutes to just cal. with pro-tek. PH range around 6.3 - 6.6 with RO water. Located in a tent with 2 overhead stationary clip fans with a 2ft. oscillating fan on low. MH light of 600watt set at 250 watt. It's an air cooled light. Venting out tent from above, with intake passive from below screen.

Occasionally getting a leaf dying already on the bottom, yellowed. Also have brown edging on some leaves, and a couple have had browning in the center or there-abouts. Been giving 2-3 ml foliage pro, and 1-2 ml cal mag on the alternating watering week. They're about 3 weeks into veg.

My light was about 2 feet above the plants, thought this was good enough. They also were generally sheltered from direct light since they were shaded by two larger plants that were just moved from the tent to flower area. Is that my problem? They weren't used to the light and have been burned due to too much? If so, I thought light burn only occurred on the tips? If that isn't it, what could this be? I increased the nutes to that stated above because of the yellowing leaves, so figured it needed additional N.
As always, thanks for any input!
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Time to pump up the light.
I'd hang the 600 a foot from the tops n turn that fucker to 600. (a week ago)
Light burn will b at the very tops of the plant grnerally in the bulbs hot spots. Rapid yellowing then brown n crispy ss it progresses.
It doesn't start at the tips. Your leaves get wilty n bleach out to bright yellow. U will know it when u see it. 250 watts at 2 feet from canopy, u might as well b using christmas lights
Necrosis. Mobile nutes leaving the leaf to dupport plant needs at the new growth. Its cannibalising itself..its hungry n lack of light
Light burn will b at the very tops of the plant grnerally in the bulbs hot spots. Rapid yellowing then brown n crispy ss it progresses.
It doesn't start at the tips. Your leaves get wilty n bleach out to bright yellow. U will know it when u see it. 250 watts at 2 feet from canopy, u might as well b using christmas lights
I totally disagree, when its hot I sometimes have to cover my vegging plants with 250w in a 1.2m square tent. Never a problem, they just don't grow as quick as under my 400. My mate always uses a 250 for a lot larger plants and has clones shaded by bigger plant from time to time. Never seen leaves go like that from lack of light. If there was a lack of light they would just stretch. Sometimes lower leaves die off from been under a large canopy, this is nothing like that.

Lion-O I cant tell you exactly what it is, two things come to mind. Root problems or PH fluctuation. That's not to say there couldn't be other things going on.
I can tell you it has nothing to do with a lack of N though.
If I were using nutes and cal mag I would be using them together, maybe add the cal mag every other watering. But With nutes.

If you have a root issue, the question is why.. Are you watering too often or watering not often or thoroughly enough. Too wet a root zone = root rot. Not watering enough each time could cause certain areas of your root zone to die off.
Only you can decide on that. Could be other reasons for root problems

To find out if its PH fluctuation it might be worth checking your run off to see the difference. That will at least help you know if there is a large difference between whats going in and whats going out.

GL and Hooo
I totally disagree, when its hot I sometimes have to cover my vegging plants with 250w in a 1.2m square tent. Never a problem, they just don't grow as quick as under my 400. My mate always uses a 250 for a lot larger plants and has clones shaded by bigger plant from time to time. Never seen leaves go like that from lack of light. If there was a lack of light they would just stretch. Sometimes lower leaves die off from been under a large canopy, this is nothing like that.

Lion-O I cant tell you exactly what it is, two things come to mind. Root problems or PH fluctuation. That's not to say there couldn't be other things going on.
I can tell you it has nothing to do with a lack of N though.
If I were using nutes and cal mag I would be using them together, maybe add the cal mag every other watering. But With nutes.

If you have a root issue, the question is why.. Are you watering too often or watering not often or thoroughly enough. Too wet a root zone = root rot. Not watering enough each time could cause certain areas of your root zone to die off.
Only you can decide on that. Could be other reasons for root problems

To find out if its PH fluctuation it might be worth checking your run off to see the difference. That will at least help you know if there is a large difference between whats going in and whats going out.

GL and Hooo
Dang it---- Miss-spoke. I DO put cal-mag with nutes, just a very little bit. 1ml per gal. These small ones are tracked in 3's, so three of them took about a gallon of water. PH has been swinging in .2 - .3 difference, ie: sometimes I water at 6.5, others 6.4, 6.6... Generally in that range. Checked my notes, generally water one time pro tek/cal-mag, then pro tek/cal-mag/foliage pro.
I don't see that PH range causing a problem.
Are you getting a little run off when watering? Is the drainage good, holes not blocked with perlite? Are you letting them dry out enough between waterings, does the pot feel light in weight?
I don't see that PH range causing a problem.
Are you getting a little run off when watering? Is the drainage good, holes not blocked with perlite? Are you letting them dry out enough between waterings, does the pot feel light in weight?
Yes to all, drainage, not blocked, wait to water. 2 gal. pots, take about week to dry. Run off good. May try repotting to 3 gallon this weekend. Doing so will let me check out roots as well. They are still damp and heavy, watered on Saturday, today is Friday. Perhaps they're in to large a pot??
Yes to all, drainage, not blocked, wait to water. 2 gal. pots, take about week to dry. Run off good. May try repotting to 3 gallon this weekend. Doing so will let me check out roots as well. They are still damp and heavy, watered on Saturday, today is Friday. Perhaps they're in to large a pot??
Possibly, it can be a problem, they take so long to dry out that there is little oxygen in the root zone and thus start to rot
Lol increase light increase photosynthesis, increase transpiration increaes uptake lol nevermind I quit
If u turn up the light u might get bigger faster healthier growth too. But I'm just guessing.
Thanks again, didn't turn up yet, but did lower the light. The others in flower are under 600 watts, 15th week flower, still waiting on more amber to show. Next time on attempting a perpetual grow I won't make so many clones. I don't know how much bud I'll end up with, but I think I have way too many plants for my room. I'll try to stick with two in each section from now on. As it is my 2 just moved to veg were already as tall as those just finishing. They may end up being too tall. Hopefully I can squeeze by.