3rd post, still need answers!


Active Member
First time grower.
Am looking to plant 3-5 indoor plants.
Need the easiest and cheapest walkthrough on what to do.
Just a simple walkthrough, doesnt have to be to detailed.

Need a list of supplys also.
Thanks to anyone of actually replys!


Well-Known Member
i'd get a couple 1000 watt HPS. some big ass buckets. plant 5 or 6 female clones. let them get 3 feet then flower. oh, you'll need a fan or 2 also. hope this helps. :peace::blsmoke:


Active Member
Well i was hoping a tad more detailed then that.

Im a first time grower. I know alittle but now much.
My budget is small so im looking for about the cheapest way.
I know the lighting cycle already.

#1 - list of supplys ( nutes, lights, ect. )

#2 - how often to water.

#3 - Germinating and planting.

Thats about it really.


Well-Known Member
people will say they have answered these types of questions thousands of times and will tell you to look in the growfaq. do your research. everybody has had to. read everything you can.


Active Member
that's a lot of room.

i would start with some type of HPS light. you won't regret it. it will pay for itself the first harvest. maybe a 400 - 600 watt. get an enhanced bulb for veg and flower.

Well this is sort of a experimental thing atm.
And the lights i just looked at range from 200-400$ and thats alittle over what i was planning on.

Whats a cheaper type light?

Thanks much for the help.


Active Member
My last question will probly not really be able to be answered very correctly.
But if i am succesful and grow a decent plant not so good not so bad, how much bud might i harvest off one plant?


Well-Known Member
your questions are too general. read the FAQ just like everyone else has had to. there is no way on God's green earth anyone can tell you with the information you have given how much you can yield off of one plant.

sounds to me like you need to be less concerned with yield and more concerned with actually being able to take a plant from seed to bud. seriously, read. EVERYONE else here did. we're not going to hold your hand if you're not willing to do some research first. :peace:


Well-Known Member
sorry if i come off as a dick, but reading really is the best way to learn. i spent almost 4 months just reading and researching before i even started putting my grow room together. if you take the time to do some research before your grow, you will be better armed with information which will increase your chances of success. we are all here to help each other, but you have to help yourself a little bit too man. good luck! :peace: