3rd week of flowering


Active Member
Hey this is my third week of flowering. I am using a 1000 watt hps light on 8 plants. If anyone notices any problems from the pics I would appreciate the input as far as I can see they look good one has a little bit of nute burn on the leaves.
I try to post a thread every week so the progress can be shown.



Active Member
Thanks. I am trying to figure out this hydro thing that might be my next gro see what .kind of difference it makes


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
they are comeing right along. looks great. its really hard to tell till about week 7 buds are are about as big as their going to get then. then you can make a better guess on yields. and from the loooks of it you will do well

sempre verde

Active Member
Hey fugazibob, Ive got a similar setup and will have to only keep 6 upon flowering. But I wonder if you used a light mover? Does your 1000w have a enclosed hood? which leads me to ask how close did you get your lights? Right now Ive got 8 under 1- 1000w and 1 - 400w because I used 18 g containers I think next time Ill just try and do smaller pots and the single 1000w with a light mover. How is your humidity? anyway looks good and stay on it