3rd week of vegging going on to 4. When to 12/12?


Active Member
This being my first indoor grow I'm not sure when to flip. With my new job I don't have a set schedule so sometimes have to leave it for a week or so without checking on it... I'm thinking about investing in a timer for that reason. But heres the latest.Bag seeds of some dankThis one I fimmed which is doing good besides those nute burns...
The dwc I'm pretty sure is bubba I topped which is finally doing good after having almost died
seeing as how my scrog screen hasn't even started to get filled I think I shouldn't flip yet but I'm not 100% cause I'm a newb. I've been doing 24 of light
i'm a noob 2, but 24 hours of light and 24 of darkness doesnt sound like a good idea ... 18 / 6 maybe or just constant 24 hours dude ! lmao !


Well-Known Member
Plants need a rest to reset, 20/4 max IMHO

your 150 limits you to low height so sog or super cropping is the way to go.

veg till you have a small carpet growing than flip


Well-Known Member
SOG= Sea of green. Harvesting the top Cola (main top bud)..her's right with a 150 i'd go with SOG


Well-Known Member
Do some reserch on SOG ....Super cropping, its a bit advanced for a novice grower but a great tool.


Well-Known Member
both ways are easy to learn but you need to put time into it. There are lots of threads on both subject here is a shot of a super crop room with 9 plants. You can see they are all around the same height and thats from bending the stalks over and getting them to run horizontal, all the buds grow up and this is what it looks like.
