3x3 fabric bed


Active Member
I’m about to create my first notill set up. I have a rather large bag of vermiculite laying around. Is it a bad idea to layer my bottom few inches with vermiculite for drainage/water retention? Could this give me problems down the road with bacterial/fungus issues? TIA
If you really want a bottom layer it should be stones 1/4/-1/2 inch. Then filled with sand,silt,clay and organic matter. Like 20%clay, 20% silt, 30% clay 30%orgsnic matter(compost or leaf mold)
I run my indoor beds with 20 inch walls, 16 inches of soil and two inches of river rock on the bottom. I switch my plants in just for flower and never have to add nutrients. I water once a week in the start and twice a week towards the end. Very easy and cut my maintenance time down a lot.