Hi all
Wanna share this.
Consider filling this engine with a low light requirement strain like kali mist. 3x600w means +1 gold kilo. Otherwise get diesel genes or whatever works to make donkey colas.
And...yess its a close to zero runoff system, Nothing new, just revisiting supercriminal procedures. Pay attention to your pot shape/volume thermal inertia.
Just top water, try to mantain humid those couple inches in which goodies thrive & youĺl be ok.
hope you enjoy this
Wanna share this.
Consider filling this engine with a low light requirement strain like kali mist. 3x600w means +1 gold kilo. Otherwise get diesel genes or whatever works to make donkey colas.
And...yess its a close to zero runoff system, Nothing new, just revisiting supercriminal procedures. Pay attention to your pot shape/volume thermal inertia.
Just top water, try to mantain humid those couple inches in which goodies thrive & youĺl be ok.
hope you enjoy this