4 Blue Cheese and 1 Sour Diesel in DWC 1000w


Active Member
Heres some pics... coming up on a month of 12/12. 2 of the blue cheese are about 5ft tall the other 2 about 4ft and the sour is about 3 1/2ft...kinda let the plants run wild and now im afraid the bottom isnt getting the greatest light. Should i trim most of the fan leaves back to allow the buds to develop better...is it still to early in the flowering stage???



Active Member
If everything has been going well as far as nutes and everything else,then trim those fan leaves, and all the scrag 1/3rd down each branch. You dont want any popcorn buds and scraggle branches in there. Judging by the first pic you have up their,you might need some bamboo supports for your main stocks they look pretty stretched out their. Very nice DWC. Are you using co2? You want to trim all the fan leaves and scrag off up to a month then leave it. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state. Dont leagalize marijuana. Smoke joints.