4 " inch pot?



First seed I've ever planted and I need help. Seems to be growing okay and would like some advice.

The soil is Erin Excel Multipurpose Compost and I've been using a 23w CFL on it for 7 days. What should I do next?

I kinda don't want to keep it in this 4" pot. It's a bit small.

Also have another seed, diff strain, that I put in MG Compact Compost. Good/Bad idea to put a seed in nutes?

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Well-Known Member
I use all mg products..nothing wrong with em, however that soil looks really compact..I like a 50:50 dirt perlite mix...and no just use plain ph'd water for now


Well-Known Member
Don't transplant until you have leaves that are as wide as the pot is. Your root structure will better handle the transplant then.

...and like quiz said, no nutes until week 3-4 in MG. I've used MG right from seed, and it works fine as long as you use pH water (I do 6.3-6.4) and no nutes.


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
they look good adhaze.....but I sure hope you have more horsepower as 23 watts just won't cut the mustard

avoid nutes for the first several weeks, and when you do, apply them at 1/4 strength, then work up.


Growing with 23w CFL for the moment.

Want to stick with using these CFLs. When should I add more lights? How many for 1 plant?

Also ideally what is good for vegetative growth? I'm using 18/6


Well-Known Member
bleaching happens when the plant cant provide enough chlorophyll for the amount of light, regardless of temp, it happens over 10,000 lumens per sqft, all plants are different though sativas handle better in general than indica. The leaves turn yellow even white and the plant doesn't grow as fast(I like a bit of bleaching though). Some like to say lux is better but according to google 1 lumen (per square foot) is equal too 10.7369104lux and please don't mention par lol...the sun under perfect conditions is about 120,000 lux which is the most plants have adapted too. That equates to about 10,000 lumens per sqft but not consistently..likewise 2100 lumens is required to sustain photosynthesis....the sun averages 7k this is what you should aim for
I'm sure you can figure out the math of your cab
Oh and bulbs are rated at 1 foot (pretty sure)


For now I would at least double what you have with a Y adapter and another bulb. Look to double that soon as your plant grows. Do the math and/or look around at other folks CFL setups, there are lot's of great examples. That is unless you are not going to another type of setup.
Disclaimer: I am new to this and just stating what I would do! I think your plant looks swell!!


Well-Known Member
4" pots are great for little ones. They will serve for the first ~3 weeks. Forget Ph, and don't give nutes for a while. Get rid of the CFL.