4 PH - 5 gall bucket need asap answer


hey, i have put too mutch ph down its 4 now i belive over night it will get to 4,5 - 5

is it a big drama ? can it die or should i leave it over night

i have 20 L in of water

i don't have ph up, the only solution is to drain some water and fill fresh inside with the same nute strength i use right now.


Well-Known Member
Don't use baking soda. It's sodium bicarbonate, and while it will raise your pH, it will also raise your sodium levels. Reaching 75+ppm of sodium will start to fuck everything up.

Use potassium carbonate(a dry powder) or potassium hydroxide(a liquid base).

You may already know this, but just in case you don't: raise your pH into the 5.5-6.2 range. When you add either of what I listed above, you will need to wait a little while for your hydroponics solution to circulate and homogenize. Waiting 10 minutes is reasonable. Waiting a little longer won't hurt.


Well-Known Member
It won't die that quick they'll just get some leave curl or some wierd stuff going on on the leaves, it would take like a week of 3-4 ph to kill it and even then I think you could bring it back it would just fuck up growth for a while.


Well-Known Member
change the water or just some of the water, you can get nute lockout which can be a pain in the ass to get corrected.
Use the bakers method, you can always add more but you cannot take it out