4 plant grow room design

kill it

I am a medical marijuana patient here in MI, tasked with growing my own bud for the first time. I gotta admit it feels good to be legal :)

I want to grow 4 plants, using CFLs. I know they wont get huge, but thats fine - I'm only one man!

what dimensions should I make the room to provide adequate space for the 4 plants - most importantly the height...

I'd like to make 2 rooms, 1 for veg 1 for flowering but right now don't have the money for it.

any suggestions to help a legal noob? this is the one place where knowledge seems endless when it comes to growing, so I'm psyched to be a new member of this community!

any help would be appreciated!


New Member
For cfls 1sq. Ft. Per plant should be sufficient remember to accout for fans wenting and the like so I sould buil a 6x6x8 or howevr high ur ceiling is and it should leave u room for. A couple more if u want to try a new strain


Active Member
Keep you lights as close to the plants as possible. As close as 1" if heat is not an issue.

Fans... Fans.... Of, did I mention air flow?

kill it

i've got a nice oscillating fan for air flow in and circulation with a small fan for outgoing air up top.

i was planning on making it around 3x3x5-6 or 4x4x6 so i guess i'm in the ballpark!