4 plants found on the grand union canal in london 2010


i found 4 plants all girls growing behind a crab apple tree 25 feet from the tow path, someone had obviously been tending them, sorry to say i took them before they were quite ready, kept me going for a few months but now i am a grower myself i feel sorry for the guy who grew them, but i still keep a look out when i am going for walks along the river or the canal.


Active Member
You feel sorry for the guy but youre still looking for more plants to steal?

no one likes thieves :( I hope you change your stance.


Well-Known Member
You are a lazy piece of shit
You should be ashamed of yourself ...

Now let the hate begin..........

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
karma will get you twice as bad. someone someday will steal all of your plants at or around week 8 so you better be safe and harvest all your future crops early at week 6 so someone doesnt get them before you.


Well-Known Member
i found 4 plants all girls growing behind a crab apple tree 25 feet from the tow path, someone had obviously been tending them, sorry to say i took them before they were quite ready, kept me going for a few months but now i am a grower myself i feel sorry for the guy who grew them, but i still keep a look out when i am going for walks along the river or the canal.
Shame on you


Well-Known Member
Why do you think it's a good idea to steal, and why would you post to brag about it? Wanting to get stoned is not as important as respect for others, and doing the right thing

Must be a troll


good news i was out along the canal this morning with my dog skipper and he found some more plants, i have been training him at home and he can find them now, they are flowering already must be autos quite short, i think they need another week or two will be keeping an eye on them. hoping to go for a walk with skip along the river in the morning, wish us luck.


Active Member
this thread just needs to be destroyed why do people keep posting they find plant if there not yours dont touch grow some ball and grow your own cant we just get this punk banned some how i know hes just sitting there stroking it to our lovely ladys because he cant figure out how to grow so this finding plants thing is just a fantasy to help him cum


Well-Known Member
His dog skipper lol
This douche bag is just making this shit up
its probably sum fag that nobody likes on here that made a new name just to fuck with everyone