4 weeks in, bag seed


Well-Known Member
Looks good. My advice: Harvest when ready and smoke it. Cheers.

Oh, if you're in California keep an eye out for caterpillars/worms.
im in west texas area im not sure when its supposed to be getting cold but i hope not any time soon, is there anything i can do if it starts getting to cold for my girls ?


Active Member
Look up in the almanac to see when frost is expected, if its going to drop below 32 degrees then cover them with some light fabric, should keep the cold off. Keep feeding though, try searching the forums for molasses some people have had good success with it! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
hes in texas no worry about frost anytime soon... nice sativa, 4 weeks in already? id say that thing needs 6 more weeks still! but its going to be nice when its done