4 weeks in, plants are 1ft tall?


Active Member
Im a first time grower.
I have chosen Kwazulu sativa.

I have an indoor tent with a fluro, drip system, fan hymidifier etc.

According to the plants make up it should take 4-5 weeks before I start to flower?
Yet my plants are only 1ft tall, but have lots of leaf growth, and look generally healthy.

New leaves appear light green to start and then turn dark green after a couple of days.

I did have what appered to be a white mould problem (Small white dots, which then turned fluffy)
Which I gather was because the humidity was around 75%. I have now put a dehumidifier in the grow roomn to keep this under raps, and has now lowered to 50-55%.

I also pinched the plant out after 3 internodes appeared to bush out the plant.

I have three questions.

1) What height should I grow these plants considering I still have at least 3-4ft of growing room before they get close to the roof of the gow space (including lamp etc).

2) Is this normal after this amount of time? Is it because I have pinched them out so they will take longer or is there something Im missing?

I have raised the lamp again to around 6 inches above the top of the plants(I raise it every week by a couple of inches and keep a good 6inches between the top of the plants and the light as to not burn them.

3) When they do go in to flowering, how far should I keep the lamp from the plants, and how much growth should I allow after I start this, IE will they grow that much more after flowering?

Thanks in advance for your help.



Well-Known Member
1) The height depends on what you have for space, if there is still room veg longer.

2)With floros yes that is normal, one thing you can do with is floros if put them 1-2 inches from the plant, they dont run hot enough to cause any damage. A good rule of thumb is put your hand between the lights and the tops of the plants and if you can hold it there for 30seconds without it getting hot then your plants will be fine.

3)Plants double to triple in size during flowering, this is also based upon the lighting as well. For the lighting distance use the rule of the thumb i mentioned above. When you bud them they will let you know when they are ready, its mostly out of your hands.


Active Member
1) The height depends on what you have for space, if there is still room veg longer.

2)With floros yes that is normal, one thing you can do with is floros if put them 1-2 inches from the plant, they dont run hot enough to cause any damage. A good rule of thumb is put your hand between the lights and the tops of the plants and if you can hold it there for 30seconds without it getting hot then your plants will be fine.

3)Plants double to triple in size during flowering, this is also based upon the lighting as well. For the lighting distance use the rule of the thumb i mentioned above. When you bud them they will let you know when they are ready, its mostly out of your hands.
Ok. Thanks for your help!


So what I gather is this:

Because the plant is still obviously growing in the next 8wks, I need to give them that much space to grow..?
So a plant now at wk four from seed and is 1ft tall, I need to switch to flower in the next week.

Veg T + Bloom T = Total time.
4 wks + 8 Wks = 12 weeks
1/3 + 2/3 = 1

So, if I have a total space of 4ft, allow 6 inches so they dont burn, and they are 1ft now, I can expect them to be 3 1/2 ft in the next wks to come.

Is this right? Thanks again for your help.



Well-Known Member
i think you should go into veg now, your plant is a good height to switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
If i was you i would start the flowering a.s.a.p the plant will get 3/4 times it's size during the flowering period keep the light has close has possible this will get the internodes nice and tight togeather.i had a arjons ultra haze#1 and i made the misstake of flowering the plant when it was a foot tall.the plant was a constant fight it was 7 ft at week 5 and the flowering period was 12/15wks it was a nightmare i have cloned it and these are going to be this summers crop they yeiled up to 2 pound outdoors a friend of mine one plant gave him 2 and harf pound it was a great smoke but a hard plant to grow indoors.so get it in the flowering period now keep your lights low the last thing you want is a leggy sativa there big enougth without been leggy.


Active Member
Thanks guys, switched over now, so all good :)
Glad they're ready to go, thought I was doing something wrong, but looking at it now, they must be doing quite well!

Switched to a 12/12. Ill keep ya posted.

Thought Id include a pic...



Active Member
those dont look 1ft. tall?
That photo's at a funny angle...

The back one, from the base to the top leaf is 1ft high the other two are aorund 7-10 inches..

I havent got a huge amount of space. The highest Ill be able to grow them is around 3-4 ft, 4 ft if i turn the light around. Just that I have the carbon filter in there cos it wouldnt hold up outside the tent....


Active Member
Just to dig an old post up...

Thanks for the help.

They got well out of control..!
This time I've used an LST idea that seems to be working really well..

I've started with some kush this time to save issues on height..
I topped the plants on every tip until the second week of flowering and 'nailed' down the stems with standard garden wire, in to the soil, leaving a good space from the soil so the leaves don't get damp.

I've now got two fans on the go pointing towards each other, but in separate directions to circulate the air around the plants.

The result has worked really well!
After 7 weeks of veg they are only a foot or less talk from the soil, which means I have about 5 foot of headroom.
They are now 9 weeks in and starting to flower. No sign of any problems so far...

Pictures up soon!


Active Member
Just to dig an old post up...

Thanks for the help.

They got well out of control..!
This time I've used an LST idea that seems to be working really well..

I've started with some kush this time to save issues on height..
I topped the plants on every tip until the second week of flowering and 'nailed' down the stems with standard garden wire, in to the soil, leaving a good space from the soil so the leaves don't get damp.

I've now got two fans on the go pointing towards each other, but in separate directions to circulate the air around the plants.

The result has worked really well!
After 7 weeks of veg they are only a foot or less talk from the soil, which means I have about 5 foot of headroom.
They are now 9 weeks in and starting to flower. No sign of any problems so far...

Pictures up soon!