4 Weeks into flower, timer malfunctioned and ran at 24/0 for 2 weeks!


This is my third grow and after my last two grows i decided to extend my room and introduce a third light so the i had more light distribution and air flow per plant.The room was extended in the 4th week of flowering while my lights were on so as not to disrupt the cycle.
I stupidly added my third light onto the same timer as the other two lights, and with each light being 600W that was 1800W of growing sweetness going through one little mechanical timer. At the time i didn't think anything of it and continued as normal. Because my room is in my attic and is completely sealed off so no light escapes, i never noticed that since the extension, my timer had broken and lights were on continuously for 2 weeks!
I immediately gave them 24 hours of darkness and replaced the timer with 3 new digital ones, one for each light to divy up the wattage. However my plants had already begun growing new shoots and new leaves are beginning to form.
Bud progression has completely stopped for the moment but im hoping with the cycle now back to normal, within a week or two they will resume growing.
My concern is i don't want to risk any hermaphrodites destroying whats left of my crop. Does anyone have any experience with this? My plants are 5 Northern Lights and 1 Incredible Bulk, and overall the bulk seems unaffected other than flowering slowed right down but no new shoots. The NL however i am worried are perhaps beyond saving.
Since they are in their 12 hours of darkness at the moment i dare not interrupt any further to take pictures.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if pictures are required i can provide them at a later point .



Well-Known Member
You'll just have to play it out. So many factors that could either go wrong or maybe not at all. I have timers, but i always double check anyways because I had this happen to me too but for only 48 hrs. Always do an equipment check every week;)


You'll just have to play it out. So many factors that could either go wrong or maybe not at all. I have timers, but i always double check anyways because I had this happen to me too but for only 48 hrs. Always do an equipment check every week;)
Yeah im now checking every day at both lights on and lights out to ensure the cycle is taking place, im just hoping to salvage the damage.
Thanks for replying