4 weeks into flowering and hardly any bud?


ok i have 2 slh plants and 1 cole train plant all 4 weeks into flowering and the cole train has a good little bit of bud on it but nothing like most of the pics i see on here at 4 weeks,and my slh plants have very little budding.i am useing a 600 watt hps light sunmasters bulb,plants are healthy should i be worried.soil grow


ok here are some pics of my plants there are 3 plants,2 slh,and 1 cole train it has the most bud and the taller stretchier plant is the slh


i just got it out of the box when i started my 12/12 but i did get it from htg supply and i`am starting to think they only sell referbed stuff because i think that both my bulbs i got from them looked kinda weak but this is my first grow so i dont know what the light is supposed to look like,my concern is the lack of bud on these plants compared to all other pics i`v seen at 4 weeks,somebody let me know


ok secret i seen your pics and here are still why i have concerns 1.your useing a 175 watt light i use a 600 watt light.2. your plants still have more bud on them than mine.


ok i go through the trouble of posting pics and you guys bury my post how can i get answer`s to my problem is there anyone who can help and give me some idea where i`am with these plants.


no,no burn and yes i topped one slh and the other i fimmed,my light stays cool the plants could probly grow up to the light and not hurt it,does anyone think that my plants look ok and that its just slow on the budding or do you think i have a problem at 4 weeks.


Active Member
They look normal to me, but there are some things you can do to increase yield. I've bought books on growing and I recommend you do the same than relying on a forum so much. The light setting is ok on your plants. You may want to add more lumens to your light set and increase sugar level in your water. That is suppose to help increase it by 10%~20%. Try placing your lights towards the sides and closer to the center of the plants to help flower growth than height.


Well-Known Member
Did you have the light that high from the beginning? Also those look to be sativa dominant, I would squat that light down considerably and start flowering when they are under a foot tall, prune all the lower branches off.. When growing indoors its best to keep the plant manageable so your light gets the best penetration possible..

Best of luck, this is all part of your learning curve..

Look for a good indica strain ie snow white, bubbilicous, ww (get a white strain to start with would be my suggestion).. try growing only the cola and a few top branches, prune them while they are in veg or early flowering.. That energy will get sent to the top portion of your girls, the light penetration to the lower branches is too minimal and sucks the energy from the rest of the plant..

Thats how I do it anyways, others may suggest otherwise..