4 weeks old today - how she doing?


Active Member

Any thoughts or input guys? If you notice a couple of leaves have brown circles and the leaf at the back has some burnt edges. Is this typical nute burn? I know I way over did it one time with more fert than I should have used. Silly me. In general she looking okay for the timescale? Thanks for comments in advance.


Active Member
looks good how tall is it...and it looks like the soil is at a really low level. mines about 5 weeks and lookin a little taller but same in leave size.


Active Member
Well she isn't very tall - although is taller than the bottom picture makes her out to be. She is definitely short and fat - but I don't see many on here look like her bushy shape. Most are taller and leaves are more spaced out.

Maybe I should move the CFL away a bit more to get her to grow taller? If it matters that is - if not I'll keep her as short as I can.