I think the original intent of the people recommending 6500k cfls for uvb is precisely because the levels of UV are present, but low. They are something you want in moderation, like micro nutrients. Pure uvb lights would be far too intense and would do more harm than good. Remember the idea is that the plant uses the trichomes to protect itself from its environment, including UV rays. So you want to have SOME present so that it triggers the defense response and creates more/denser trichomes. But you don't want to flood it with the thing it needs protection from, the reason it HAS a defensive reaction at low levels is because high levels can be very harmful. For that reason I would avoid pure uv bulbs, but rather pick something that is a closer mimic to the light spectrum of daylight, not just the damaging parts of it. Its the same reason you want a fan to give plants a breeze, but you're not gonna put a leaf blower on them for 12 hours a day. Every medicine is also a poison depending on the dosage.