40 day plant, advice?


New Member
This is my second grow after I neglected and failed my first horribly. The plant is about 40 days old and was supposed to be NYC Diesel. (I may have mixed up my seeds so). Any advice and feedback from experienced growers?



Well-Known Member
Well a normal plant at 40 days is roughly 10 times that size so it's obviously stunted. More information is needed such as the medium it's planted in and watering frequency.


New Member
Well a normal plant at 40 days is roughly 10 times that size so it's obviously stunted. More information is needed such as the medium it's planted in and watering frequency.
The soil it grown in is : http://m.homedepot.com/p/Miracle-Gro-Moisture-Control-Potting-Mix-75578300/204502216/
and it's watered ever 4 days I would say. But the lighting isn't consistent. I try to stay with 18/6 but there's a problem with that power in the room that it's in so there's times where it'll get more darkness or the light won't be off until the next day.


These two things are VERY bad.
Miracle grow
Inconsistent light schedule

We still need more information though..
Any nutes?
What kind of lighting?
Ph of water you're using.
Etc. Etc. Etc.


Well-Known Member
safe to say unless his temps are 90F+ or 60F- the reason why your plant is stunted is bad lighting and bad light cycle.

MG can be fine for seedlings, if they don't die by week 2 they have survived, your plant is 40 days, so it survived the hot streak of MG.
Just PH water and no nutes.


Well-Known Member
That looks like a 15 day old plant. Go back to the basics, starting with the soil you are using. There are a thousand articles here about basic growing. You need to spend some time reading before wasting good beans.