40 yo seeds.

Back in the early 80's I saved the seeds from a baggie of pot that was the best I'd ever had back then. They have been stored in an airtight container and in a dark space in my basement.

I wonder if I should try them or is it hopeless?

Definitely try, but don't get your hopes up. I have a bag of a few hundred bag seeds from the 70's and early 80's (also stored in a basement) and I've tried a few rounds of germination (about 30 seeds each) with nothing happening. One of my next moves will be to try to germinate a LOT of them at once to see if I can play a better numbers game.
Definitely try, but don't get your hopes up. I have a bag of a few hundred bag seeds from the 70's and early 80's (also stored in a basement) and I've tried a few rounds of germination (about 30 seeds each) with nothing happening. One of my next moves will be to try to germinate a LOT of them at once to see if I can play a better numbers game.
Have you tried 1ML of Humic Acid per 1 Ounce of water, and Soak overnight? If not give it a shot.
Back in the early 80's I saved the seeds from a baggie of pot that was the best I'd ever had back then. They have been stored in an airtight container and in a dark space in my basement.

I wonder if I should try them or is it hopeless?
Try some a few ways if they dont pop keep the rest cos someone clued up in embryo rescue might have better luck im in a similiar situation i been saving seeds as long as i been smoking plus some of the stuff i been gifted is older even if you cant get it going someone will oneday hopefully ime popping old seeds isnt hard whats the killer is alot have 0 energy left give up and die as some suggest sugar in the mix or pinto bean juice might help as a food source i would always sterilise old seeds before germination with a mild water hydrogen peroxide mix and i wouldnt use the paper towel method i do that with fresh seeds but i find you got more luck popping old ones in some good organic dirt with ewc and stuff and good luck op hope you get some going fingers crossed for you man
Cool, I'll try it Thursday.

The person I got it from said it was
Acapulco Gold.

But that was 40 years ago and I can't verify it.

40-yrs is a long time but I did the math and your odds of seeing one of these pop increase by 10000.327654% if you try to germinate them VS not trying!

Please drop a line in here with the result?
They look in good shape for being 40 yrs old. I got some seeds from someone that was over 30 yrs old. I got 20 each of 3 strains. I've had some Germ but only 1 actually went full term and luckily it was a female. Was a Big Bud from 1989. It produced 1 seed which im growing now. The smoke was really good too.

I say it's possible but you may need to scuff the seed and/or use hydrogen peroxide to stimulate the embryo if it's still ok. The Big Bud tha I got to make it was mutated at seedling stage and looked like it wasn't going to survive but it grew out of the mutation

This is the Big Bud 1989 seed I'm growing that came from the old Big Bud 1989 seed I grew earlier this year.
