400 MH concerns w/pics


Active Member
Hello, New here so hope he gives you the right info and he included pics also, My friend has a 3 week old baby and 10 brand new 2 days old babies:

Lights: 400 watt MH (Switchable for later) distance from light about 18" from top of the plant (shown in picture #5). 18/6 complete dark

Soil: Miracle Gro potting mix (probably a bad move) never flushed it, He got a PH tester and it reads at 7 or under 7

Water: No nutes because the soil has too much already, only distilled water and rainwater, when it was in a smaller container he waterd every other day ( no nutes). Now since it has been transplated recently (about 4 days ago), to hopefully the last container, that will be cut down ALOT.

Temp: 74-82 max, usally around 79- Humidty 40-50, air circulation with a box fan

Okay so questions he has... The 3 week old he doesn't know the strain but it is high grade, all the leaves are culing up on them from the new ones to the old ones, (pictures of that #2 & #3) there is only one set of 3 finger leaves that didn't curl up and those have slight yellow spots on them (it's hard to tell with the pic #4 from a camera phone), no where else on the plant is there yellow, so he figures that the curling is from nute burn form the soil, but concerned if it might be the light getting to close...?

When should he move the light up? should he wait till the leaves start to show Heat burn then move um? He did the hand over the plant test and it seemed fine for at least the next 8" just worried if the curling is from the light...

Does the container in Picture #5 #6 #7 #8 seem big enough to support the rest of the life? The size says 8" seems like a gallon container but not sure, Don't need the plants to be huge will harvest as soon as there ready.

Picture #5 shows the growroom and the walls are all white but there is alot of open space around the table the pots are sitting on, is this okay or is he not getting as much light as possible? Also the box fan is outside the closet on the floor pointed up at a angle, blowing cold air from the bedroom (his house temp stays at 73) into the grow room, should the box fan be in the growroom blowing air out? Air circulation temp and humidity seem perfect now...

Now there are 10 new members to his growroom all 2 days old, is this one light going to support all these babies there whole lives? Picture 4 and 5 show the set up, the light should cover a 4x4 area, and with all those containers it is way less then a 3x3 area so it seems fine and when they get older he will get rid of the males and make more room, but 11 total plants just the size of the 3 week old is alot of green. Kinda worried...

Out of the 10 new babies 2 or 3 of them seem small or have the casing on them still and seem really underdevolped under the casing or just in comparison to the other ones ( these were also the last ones to get germinated), and they where all germinated at the same time. One of them doesn't even have the 2 leaves you see once to 2 oval pedals open up... Worth even keeping them cause I getting a not so good vide from them.

The 3 week old has got a 3 week headstart on the other 10 babies, so its going to have to wait till all the other ones are ready to bloom (12/12) to also bloom itself, will this be a problem?

He doesn't know much about the life cycle of the plant, whats going on in picture #4 where the node and the stem meet there are new leaves growing, is this where braches are going to grow or the buds or just leaves?

How does the 3 week old look to be doing? It is at node #5 not counting the oval pedals, and its second set of 5 finger leaves, looks really healthy just those darn curling leaves are driving him crazy, also 4 out of the 10 new babies are Kush ( thank goodness they all look really good) anything he should know special about Kush?

Sorry this is ssoo long feels like I'm writing a book, We love this site and it really has helped him, feel free to give us all the advice you can just please don't redirect me to some grow guide i must have read 30 of them all ready..