400 WATT HID 75cmx75x100cm


Hello gentlemen and gentleladies,

I am planing on purchasing the following equipment.

BudBox Small Grown Tent - 75cm by 75cm by 100cm height
Cool Tube with 400 Watt Dual Spectrum Bulb
Digital Ballast
365m3 Exhaust Fan with 2 Inch Carbon Filter

I plan on going down the SOG route and using a separate CFL powered PC case for two or three breeds of mothers. I estimate that I can have anything between 20-30 plants yielding between 3-5 grams dried each.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that a 400 watt bulb is too much considering that I have a powerful fan and a cool tube?

Many thanks for you suggestions!

Sir Smoke

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Hello gentlemen and gentleladies,

I am planing on purchasing the following equipment.

BudBox Small Grown Tent - 75cm by 75cm by 100cm height
Cool Tube with 400 Watt Dual Spectrum Bulb
Digital Ballast
365m3 Exhaust Fan with 2 Inch Carbon Filter

I plan on going down the SOG route and using a separate CFL powered PC case for two or three breeds of mothers. I estimate that I can have anything between 20-30 plants yielding between 3-5 grams dried each.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that a 400 watt bulb is too much considering that I have a powerful fan and a cool tube?

Many thanks for you suggestions!

Sir Smoke
You're better off growing 4 larger plants that yield one to two zips each. A 3 to 5 gram plant seems like a waste to me.


Well-Known Member
I run a 400 in a 2x2x4'6" cabnet with open doors, usually with just one big plant(but ill be doing something similar to yours but prolly nine plants in a 1g container. can i ask what kind of setup you run to fit 20-30 in that space? anyways if you have a shorter strain that does good lollipopped 3-5gs per plant is a little low but as long as your happy with it and your not overgrowing your space go hard bud.


Hey I haven't started that yet I was just wondering whether you guys think a 400 watt bulb is overkill in that space. Right now I have a pc case on the go and and I can fit 10 500ml water bottles in that space comfortably (41cmx19cm). I can fit at least 4-5 of my PC cases in a 75cmx75cm tent so I estime that I could get at least 20-30 plants on the go at any one time with a 75cmx75cm tent.

Search for Dr.Bud on ICMag website. I am basically emulating his system. He uses 20 ounce water bottles (about 650ml) and has a continuos cycle, and gets around 6grams dried per plant on average with a weekly harvest. He has two small cabinets and gets a few ounces a week I think. He uses CFLs however (which is what I use in the PC case of course but I want to use HPS for flowering and CFLs for mothers).

You say you have open doors? Does that mean you don't have any ventilation system going on?


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Hey I haven't started that yet I was just wondering whether you guys think a 400 watt bulb is overkill in that space. Right now I have a pc case on the go and and I can fit 10 500ml water bottles in that space comfortably (41cmx19cm). I can fit at least 4-5 of my PC cases in a 75cmx75cm tent so I estime that I could get at least 20-30 plants on the go at any one time with a 75cmx75cm tent.

Search for Dr.Bud on ICMag website. I am basically emulating his system. He uses 20 ounce water bottles (about 650ml) and has a continuos cycle, and gets around 6grams dried per plant on average with a weekly harvest. He has two small cabinets and gets a few ounces a week I think. He uses CFLs however (which is what I use in the PC case of course but I want to use HPS for flowering and CFLs for mothers).

You say you have open doors? Does that mean you don't have any ventilation system going on?

I have a 400W dimmable in a similar space. I currently run it at 75% but full power is no problem. I think 20 plants in that space is gonna be real tight. With 4 plants you can pull a half pound no problem with a fairly short veg time.


Well-Known Member
Correct helloall my ventilation with that 400 is open doors with a small blower pushing air from low to high in the far back corner and an oscilating fan blowing on them, far from ideal but everything in that cab was given to me for free(besides bulbs and plants). Can I ask if you have done a perpetual harvest before? Im not trying to change your methods or anything but ive always found it much easier to raise a garden to harvest at around the same time. The reason I say this because if you screw up with a perpetual your pretty much left standing around with your dink in your hand(oilpatch joke) but if you mess up growing a garden that flowers at the same time you still will get something.

that being said im interested to see your setup up and running, nice to see different things if we all stayed doing what "worked" we wouldnt have made it very far


No I only started growing about two weeks ago.

Right now I have five feminised white widows on the grow in a converted pc case and they are all in 500ml water bottles. They've just starting popping out their third pair of fan leaves so I'm still very much an amateur. But from what I have read (and I have spent a lot of time reading) it would seem to me that growing more smaller plants gives a quicker yield than a few larger plants. This is because you would need significantly less time (or even no time) vegetating. So from cutting a clone to harvest it would take at the most 8-10 weeks while if I grew larger plants I would have to add at least another 4 weeks of vegetating onto that.

Obviously it will take me some time to get the whole process in my hand and to figure out the ideal pot size so that the plants finish flowering at 80cm (or so). I would also need to be confident in keeping healthy mothers and be proficient in rooting clones. So yes I concede it is more work and expertise but for a perpetual harvest I think it's worth it. All the figures I gave were under exaggerated by the way. Realistically you could expect 6-10 grams per plant dried from 1-2 litre containers under a 400 watt HID and I could fit at least 30 2 litre bottles in a 75x75cm space.

Anyway once I get my new tent I would probably have 3-4 plants SCROG in the tent while the mothers grow in the PC case and then slowly start implementing the perpetual harvest as and when the clones are ready.

Take a look at this thread on ICMag's Micro Growing sub-forum. There are hundreds of others. This guy is harvest 8 grams per plant with 500 watts of CFLs in 60 days from 3-4 inch cuttings. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=95963&do=filter&fid=53078

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I tried sog. Having to deal with a bunch of little plants bus a pain in the ass. Bigger plants are healthier plants, which yield more. I'd rather just worry about watering and taking care of 4 plants that give a few ounces each than a shitload of little ones. Plus the overall yield is greater in my experience. Set up a small veg box and just veg for a couple weeks while your others are in late flower. The problem I have with perpetual is that all the plants are in different stages with different nute needs.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Would you therefore advise me to get a taller tent?
It would prolly be wise to go at least 120 high, but you could do it in that space. Keep in mind your gonna want some extra headroom for fans, filters, and lights. I would supercrop the plants to keep a nice even canopy.