400 Watt HpS AK47,White Widow,and LSD


Well-Known Member
Ok so Just finally figured out all the strains for this grow.Will be going with Serious Seeds AK47,Barneys Farms LSD,and Green House Seed Company White Widow.Heres some pics of the setup and all the stuff I got so far.Will be updating the thread daily with info about everything.Just placed an order for a 400 Watt HPS the other night sitll waitin to receive that,and also the Beans.cant wait to start this baby up,well enjoy this thread hope to have a ton of interested viewers.Going to be fun!!~!!will update pics as needed,so as soon as i receive the HPS and the beans ill hit up more pics,but until then will update shipping,and shit like that on here while i wait,going to be an exciting grow!!!!



Active Member
I'm growing an LSD plant also along with Blue Mystic. I'm about nine days or so from sprout. Looking good so far! Good luck!


Active Member
Your joking right? Or are u referring to a couple specks of the coco that were in the flat tray? My space is clean! Always! Shit it ain't that big to even dirty up!! Lol


Well-Known Member
lol,cant wait to get this going,just waiting on receiving the beans and the HPS.but after that everything will be set!!!LSD looks promising,but so do the white widow and ak47 of course.Nothing to really update today but another day closer to getting my stuff