400 watt lighting need advice


im new to the whole growing scene... however i have a nice little set up.. im vegging by cfl's right just some ol bag seed to see what i got.. a wise ill say friend a wise friend of mine said.. the cfl s may do the trick right now but further down the road i should get some good lighting i agree.. i have enuf room to have a veg chamber and a flower chamber.. now i have looked at local hydroponic stores for lights n they are pretty expensive.. now i also have looked on ebay and the have some nice 400 watt hps/ mh reflectors with ballasts..
so finally for my question has any one ordered these lights from e bay was yur package sent unharmed? was it everything yu expected from ordering from e bay?? ive never ordered anything before so id figured id ask

thanks beforehand for any info


Well-Known Member
you get what you pay for, always. keep that in mind when you're thinking harvest time..

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have had nothing but good luck on ordering new items off of ebay. That is where I got my carbon scrubbers.


Well-Known Member
carbon scrubbers are very different than lights, IMO
I have a 1000w system from ebay, but I don't use it anymore. It works fine. I used it for 3 grows, and then I moved got a system better suited for where I was. Stuff from ebay is usually ok. Don't get caught up in the hype of expensive = quality. This isn't always the case.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I have ordered from ebay before and would recommend buying your light system at a local hydro shop. The bulb is semi fragile and can be damaged in shipping plus at a local shop you dont have to worry about them having your address where you will be growing. They are maybe more expensive there but your harvest will cover the added investment.


Well-Known Member
plus warranty's come into play... at my store the etch the date into the bulb... if it gets beat within a year, bring it in and get a new one, free.