400w closet grow


Well-Known Member
hI every1 im week 6 of flowering. i just wanted to post a few pictures of my plants. if any1 acts interested ill get some more pictures up. im currently growing a blackberry kush, orange crush, purple kush, and hindu skunk under a 400w hps in my closet. its a 28'' by 48''room and 8 feet tall. all ive got for now is a few close ups of the buds. this is my first grow. so its been a learning process. im running house and garden nutes in fox farm ocean forest soil. any questions let me kno. ill tryyy to answer them. lol


Well-Known Member
sorry i started this journal so late. didnt want to make a fool of myself on my first grow lol. but its gone pretty good so far. some yellowing and such. no plants died on me so far. ill be starting a new grow soon. and will do a full journal on that. maybe you guys can give me some advice on what clones to get next time. i have a nice list of available clones. but anyway. my blackberry and hindu are about 2 feet. orange crush closer to 3 while the pk is closer to 1.5 feet. i vegged them for 1 month(thinking they would end up bigger than they are). next time definently going more towards 2 months. also the pictures were takin with a phone. sorry for the picture quality. they were takin with my phone.. also if any1 has any advice on these strains. plz be my guest.


Well-Known Member
no1 wants to say anything. not even to tell me i suck at growing!? ill take anything at this point lol


Well-Known Member
idk if i said but i use house and garden soil a&b. i jus used shooting powder less than a week ago. and it did amazing things to my purp kush.. doubled bud size in a night. FFOF is ok. idk..... if ive had any problems this grow it has been with my ph. i mean idk why but i havent been able to keep it below 6.8. always right back up to 7 :/ kinda been annoying. the drainage hasnt been all that i wanted either. id definitely add perlite next time i use it. and actually ive been looking into 5 part FFOF 5 part light warrior and 1 part perlite. if any1 has comments on that idea thatd b cool. thanks for the reply tho man :)


Well-Known Member
thanks man. any1 have any info on any of these flowering times. im pretty sure i have a good idea with the 30x but some1 with experience growing these strains it would be cool.


dont just look at the trichs look for the calxs to be swollen appearing almost seeded and the pistils to receed back to calxs and 90% roughly amber or cinnamon pistils


Well-Known Member
by that my blackberry kush is looking very close. ive read bout ppl pulling at late 40s and pulling at 70 days. so idk. the trichs are plentiful on it. none really amber. but the pistils are 60% orange. i have some new pics on my comp. ill get em up today. ohhhh i had a few spider mites. my gfs uncle decided to introduce them to my garden awhile back. thought i got em all. they were jus chillin on the bottom inside of my bk... fuckin lame so i trimmed it up before it got to bad. i see it still spread to my others a little bit. fuckin lame.


Well-Known Member
they all turned out so amazing. im in the middle of curing. i have over 7 ounces as now. my orange crush finished with over 2 ounces dry. so i did better than i figured for my first try. all this stuff is amazing. blackberry kush and hindu skunk are amazing dense. both smell strongly of lemon. the bk like lemon pinesol and a hashy smell. the hindu skunk a sweeter lemon smell. orange crush smells like almost oranges.. very citrusy. prob smells like orange cause the obvious. but its an amazing high. i pulled it early and it produced a very very nice day high. it really sets me back. but jus the right amount i guess. i can manage going outside right after a smoke. the purple kush did what i expected. 20 ounces. the buds are kinda bluish with really orange hairs. not much purple. i cant wait for all of them to finish curing. my next has started also. i have 2 afgooeys, 2 jack the ripper, 2 querkle, and 2 blueberrys. the club in norcal i got it from called it blueberry kush. but also dj shorts blueberry 80/20 and that stuff. so im assuming its dj shorts blueberry. lol. havent figured out why they would call it blueberry kush though. if any1 acts interested ill post info on that grow.


Well-Known Member
i suck? damn thanks man i appreciate that. that means a lot. my computer crashed last night. trying to get it going again. but at least i have some legit chron. lol so it cant get me down!


Very nice first grow, you must've done your research right. Can you give some deetz on your setup, mainly on how you kept things cool in there? My closet grows back in the day ran into major heat issues. I eventually gave up on closet grows because it was just too hard to keep temps down and rh up, even with a hydro setup. Moving into a new place soon without as much grow room and thinking of giving the closet grow another try.


Well-Known Member
temperature didnt give me any problems. i had my window open to give it fresh air. and i live in norcal. so weather is pretty good. the humidity was never to consitent but never out of control. i didnt want to put money into a dehumidifier. i built a room out of insulfoam from home depot. the stuff is awesome used for insulating garage doors. i recommend it for a closet grow. then i just lined that with mylar. and left the door cracked a little constantly and had a fan blowing half way out the room and against the wall for circulation. my temps were never above 75. the 400w hps didnt put off much heat at all. the mh i kept a little further from my clones. i had a nice sunlight supply air cooled hood which im sure helped that. i didnt run a fan through it tho. my galaxy digi ballast was 10 feet from the room. but all in all enviromentaly i never ran into problems. u should be fine if you have good ventilation and not to many watts in the room. and i did research forever. still am..