400w Grow Vanilla Kush


Well-Known Member
Hey guys haven't grown for over a year now and still a newbie but I will be posting pics and my progress on here and would appreciate any help I can get.

My Set Up:

1m by 1m grow tent 2m high
400W MH - veg / HPS flower
5" extractor fan and filter
1 Vanilla Kush Seed
Bio Bizz All Mix soil / Nutrients

So im planning on vegging this plant for 8 weeks and will do my 1st attempt at a scrog been reading up and watching videos on doing it so feel quite confident.

Currently plant is 14 days old from seed, been on 20/4 and filtered water which reads at 15 ppm for the first 10 days

Switched to 18/6 hours on 01.11.15 and gave them there 1st bit of feed where the ppm come in at 80 and plant looks nice and healthy.

Any way ill be updating every other day to let you's know how I get on ill be uploading pictures og my plant tomorrow thanks.


Well-Known Member
just fyi, not sure what bio bizz nutes you're using but their micro nutes formula at one point didn't include Mg+ in it, requiring additional supplementation from a cal mag source


Well-Known Member
just fyi, not sure what bio bizz nutes you're using but their micro nutes formula at one point didn't include Mg+ in it, requiring additional supplementation from a cal mag source
Hmm thanks for letting me know ill have a quick look but I think it should be alright because a couple of other friends have had a decent couple of crops from using them so see how goes...only going to use the bio-grow..bio-bloom and there bio-topmax
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Well-Known Member
Also took a picture of it today on day 18 still looking really healty imo...temps average from 26-29 degrees and when lights go of it averages from 22-24 degrees ph at 6.0 and ppm is still at 80 atm.

Got a quick question if any 1 can help...I leave my clip on fan 24/7 blowing on my plant should I only do this when lights on and give it a rest when lights go off ?

Any way thanks for stopping and taking a look any help or advise is appreciated

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Watching. :D

About the oscillating/clip on fan, I NEED to use this type of fan, because the temps would rise to 38C if I were to switch it off during the lights on phase. So unfortunately for me it's a must, BUT I switch it off everytime the lights go out, because if wouldn't the temperatures would go below 15C... and the humidity would drop as well.

I don't see a point in it working at night. :D but it really depends on your temperature situation.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
And I see you're using Biob-Bizz All mix (and others), nice one there. I'm using All mix now for the first time, and I'm really liking it, although I had a problem because I thought the nutes in there would be enough for a month... turns out I was wrong.

I'm using Bio grow/boom and top max as well, and I can say my plants love them.


Well-Known Member
And I see you're using Biob-Bizz All mix (and others), nice one there. I'm using All mix now for the first time, and I'm really liking it, although I had a problem because I thought the nutes in there would be enough for a month... turns out I was wrong.

I'm using Bio grow/boom and top max as well, and I can say my plants love them.
Yeah I read that somewhere as well but I just didnt take notice and started them on nutes after 10 days from seed so there currently on day 8 with nutes and no problems as of yet.


Well-Known Member
Watching. :D

About the oscillating/clip on fan, INEED to use this type of fan, because the temps would rise to 38C if I were to switch it off during the lights on phase. So unfortunately for me it's a must, BUT I switch it off everytime the lights go out, because if wouldn't the temperatures would go below 15C... and the humidity would drop as well.

I don't see a point in it working at night. :D but it really depends on your temperature situation.
Yeah thats like mine I think temps would be up to 34c without the fan on but when lights are of temps are 22-23 so might leave it of tonight and check on temp and go from there

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Yeah I read that somewhere as well but I just didnt take notice and started them on nutes after 10 days from seed so there currently on day 8 with nutes and no problems as of yet.
Well then you did good, because I listened to all that bloody "bro science" and stunted my girls growth. But ever since I started adding Bio grow things are back on track.

I'll be Scroging as well on this run, and I'm planning on FIM'ing the plant today. You going to top/fim or just let the plant grow?


Well-Known Member
Well then you did good, because I listened to all that bloody "bro science" and stunted my girls growth. But ever since I started adding Bio grow things are back on track.

I'll be Scroging as well on this run, and I'm planning on FIM'ing the plant today. You going to top/fim or just let the plant grow?
well im glad things are back on track for your plant, sucks when you got a plant problem drives ya insane
I think ill be topping the plant and might even LST if need be but im going to try fill out my whole grow space with the plant and a few days before I switch to 12/12 im going to attempt to super crop them so its at an even canopy and then stick my scrog net on top then train them through the net hopefully fill it out , cut all the under growth of that will not be getting light and then start flowering :)

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great plan, we can compare the topping/fimming results. Not a lot of people FIM their Scrog setups so I'm curious as to what the differences will be.


Well-Known Member
You could top it now if you want to, then top those again once they put on a node if you want it bushy