Hi everyone! I've been lurking this board for awhile and have finally decided to join your cozy little online community. I am in the pursuit of knowledge relating to all things cannabis and plan to learn all I can from people who are more experienced than myself. So, to get the ball rollin' here are some pics of my new babies.
The first one is Purple Kush X Sour Diesel, second is Black Domina, and third Blackberry Bubba Kush. Two have been in coca coir for 9 days so far and still haven't rooted. The Blackberry Bubba Kush was taken as a cutting from a plant 4 days ago and is just sitting in water until I get my bubble cloner up and running. I'm not using a humidity dome, and currently they are sitting under a 250w MH. The very tips of the leaves are starting to turn yellow so I made some shade for them, I think the 250 is too much for my little girls! I'm using a weak solution of Pure Blend Pro (Grow) and House and Garden Multi-enzyme. Oh, and I didn't use any rooting hormone due to budget restraints. How long will it take for these things to root? Am I doing something wrong? I mean, the plants look healthy, but still no roots, can I do anything to encourage root growth?