400wmh/hps small grow box!


Active Member
Ok so I have a 2X2 grow box with 400wmh for veg and hps for flowering bagseed im planning to grow.
but im wondering if my plants will fit my light is on top of the grow box so it has probably 1ft 9" for plant growth keeping lights away about 5"
also im planning to do my entire grow in a 8" pot I know rootbound. But is it possible I dont mind if I dont yield alot but im plannong to put 2 of those in thoer maybe lst or scrog but I really would love to do 12/12 from seed with out touching the plant would it fit???
One more question I have this window bot rectangular its pretty long about 1ft but hight is only like 6" would I be able to grow in those onstead of the 8" pots maybe less rootbound. Thanks riu you guys help alot :)


Well-Known Member
that light will be waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy too hot for a box that size. unless you have some super cooling (which id like you to share if you do). that window box should give you a lot more root space though. maybe try installing a scrog screen about 2-3" above the pot level and fill a screen. but i cant see how your gonna keep plants that low without destroying your yeild potential with a 400w.


Active Member
Well I havent runned it yet but will tonight and check out the temps hopefully it wont get hot.
And thanks for the advice man on the pot will get that pot instead. Also ive never done scrog but looks like its mostly common sense how long would I have to veg for and would I be able to have to plants in thier?
And thanks brettsog fir your advice


Well-Known Member
yeah thats way too hot... such a small space i don't even know how you'll be able to cycle the heat out that quick. 1ft 9 inch is nothing for plant growth.. not trying to be a downer, definitely give her a go. i wanna see how this goes


Well-Known Member
personally i would either increase the space or downsize the light. maybe you can fit a 4 tube 2' t5 fixture in there. that would be much better as you could have it an inch from the plants at all times and there is hardly any heat to speak of from a t5 fixture. also if your gonna use a scrog screen i would only have one plant but veg it until you have almost filled the screen entirely then you will increase the yeild potential. its all trial and error tbh until you find the setup that suits you best. my space on requires minimal stealth because of the illegal factor of growing in the UK. i was using over 300w of cfls at first but the temps were getting too hot, switched to a 250w hps and im managing the temps fine now.

why not look at maybe selling the 400w you have and buying either a 150w or a 250w. temps are much easier to manage and you still have the benefit or the penetration of the hps.


Active Member
it sucks i havent even grown one good grow with the 400w im probably gonna make the box bigger the width of the box but how much taller would i have to make it? maybe 4ft high and 3ft wide?