48 hours of darkness.......


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I am finishing up my first grow soon about another 2 weeks left. Ive read thatif you put your plants in 48 hours of darkness it gets things real sticky. Im just curious what exaclty happens how much does it help and what does the plant actually do.Thanks for any help in advance.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well a few months back some exspurt said to give a a 36 hr dark interval between any kind of change of format. Such as going 36 hours dark between veg and bloom, prior to harvest etc. Never did quite get around to trying it but sounds reasonable to me. Not sure how the 48 hour routine got tossed into the mix. Must have been a different exspurt or something. If you try it kindly let us know how it works out.



Well-Known Member
I def will. I read it in a book by jorge cervantes it says to leave your girls in pure darkness for 48 hours and things get very very sticky. but I was just wondering if any on the forum had some more in depth info on it.


Well-Known Member
I read an article in Hight Times 3-4 months back and this Top Notch grower said that he goes 48 dark before harvest. He swore by it , blah blah. I dunno I never tried it.


Well-Known Member
lol, this is a very common question, but im happy to answer it, but im feeling lazy so i dont wanna go into too much detail. this is how it work......thc is degraded by light, during the night it is replenished, 48hrs dark b4 harvest=48 hrs for the plant to maximise thc levels. the plant will also push everyting it has left into the buds when it realizes its about to die and hasnt reproduced, making them swell up and push out resin to make them as sticky as possible in order to hopefully get some pollen to stick....


Well-Known Member
hahaha I know right somone is being negative. yeah ill make sure I post some pictures when im done it will be in about 2 weeks. thanks everyone.


Active Member
and i suppose your some scientist who has been through extensive testing and experimenting to know that THC is degraded by light? Or is that what you been told? THC acts like a Sunblock SPF 420 ya know. More UV light will swell your buds and produce resin. Not more dark. And I mean UV lights not your HPS its gotta be a UV light

Then again thats only proven, by pros, so its probably wrong.

Do what the hell ya want but i will stick to what works.


Well-Known Member
im not in the mood to argue, but im not running away from it either, actually, fuck it, i'll just do it-, using a uv light through flowering will increase resin/thc production, that is not what we are talking about, thc is the sunblock for the plant like you said, it is degraded by light. if you give it 48 hrs of dark right b4 harvest it will maximise the thc level in the plants since it didnt have light breaking it down right away.....now do you understand?


Well-Known Member
Basically, if you shove your plant into the darkness before your harvest your plant thinks its dieing, this means it puts all its energy into producing the bud sites to try and collect pollen / distribute seeds. (I'm no pro).

But basically, imagine if your plant had been pollinated and it was producing seeds, its hitting winter and it knows its nearing its time to end because its the end of its cycle. The darkness will then induce it to thinking that its now going to die, so it shoots out all its seeds in desperation to keep its genes going on through the next generation.

Now im not gonna argue or say this works but im definatly gonna try it :) I think, in writing it looks like it would work. Hope this helps.