48000 lumens


Active Member
is 48000 lumens of cfl enough to grow 4 plants roughly 1 meter high?, i will have 2x 250 watt cf'ls on top and 2x 65 watt cfl's down under the canopy, so do you think this would be ok?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
No, not enough light. Cfl's are good when keeping the plants short.

Lumens cannot be added up either, what ever amount your largest bulb emits is how many lumes you actually have.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
That is plenty of light dude.
4 plants 1meter high with 2 250w cfl's, it will bud not not enough light by far.

How much usable light are you going to get from a 250w clf at 2 foot from the bottom half of the plant? None...

If the cfl is more than 6-8 inches from the plant then it's a waste, you need to keep the short.

Now 4 plants at 0.5 meters high, using two 250watters, then yes, great lighting.


Well-Known Member
Did you read the post? He will also have 2 65's further down on the plants. Plenty of light.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Wow, 2 extra 66watts shared between 4 plants in a 2 ft x 2 ft area!

Of course i read the post, that is how i made my educated answer.

like i said, if lights are more than 6-8 inches away then they are no use, do you think those 4 lights are going 6 inches away from the bud sites of the plants?

Think about it a bit more, just because he has 630w doesnt mean he can grow 1 meter trees.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Op, it's better to have more light sources of smaller wattages then only 1 or 2 larger sources.

a plant 1 meter high would need at least 400w of cfl's IMO.

Good luck, peace.


Active Member
i did not know you could not add up the lumens, my mistake, that means i will have 19500 lumens then, anyway you think i should keep them shorter then? i said 1 meter because that is the usable grow space i have to work with, this guy has roughtly the same setup https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/349450-flowering-cfl.html plants look ok, probs about 1 meter tall i would say

and bigv you think i have enough light, thats what i want to hear lol

anyone else got any input?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
When i run my 250watter hps at the same time as my 600w hps the lumens do not increase on my lumen meter.

Yeah, keep your plant about 2 ft tall and they will do amazing with the light you have, but once you go past 2 ft the light becomes wasted fast.