Well-Known Member
Hello everyone and welcome to the watering hole. Let's try this again, a d again.. Hopefully it will stay on track this time. Tried this last night & due to the fact a few unnamed posters (you know who you are) it was shut down & locked. Thanks. So this time do you think we can keep it civilized like adults? I decided to try this again and make this a thread where people can come to to find and or share actual drink recipes. Didn't see one so I thought it may make for a good addition/read here. Feel free to add your recipes, also if you have tried them before, and your down right absolute fav drinks. I myself plan to add atleast 1 maybe 2 recipes daily. I'm an avid drinker when I am out of cannabis. although I try and not drink no more then twice to maybe 3 x a week. Look forward to hearing from everyone, let the fun began.
Peace & love fam. Have fun & remember
* ALSO. Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling, you will be reported. There rules not mine.
I will start off this show with three. this recipe calls for my absolute favorite drinks which is crown royal.
Drink #1. Hairy Ass. Crown royal, Dr. Pepper, peach schnapps, topped off with Yukon jack. I have tried this and have to say it is very good.
Drink #2.
Havent tried but to say the least the name kinda threw me for a loop. Lol
F**k You Up The Ass With A Banana (Cocktail). Start off with Baileys Irish Cream, Cream, Creme de Banane, Crown Royal, Jose Cuervo, and Kahlua to top it off.
Drink #3. Lethal Injection. Start off with (Punch)or Cranberry Juice, Crown Royal, Everclear, Southern Comfort. Havent tried this one yet, however I really like drinks that have punch and everclear. Reminds me of old school spiked watermelons with added everclear we would eat back in the day.
Makes the 4th now 5th thread started. Just can't keep it on track.. renamed it watering hole/cheese heads. Calling all cheese lovers.
Also feel free to post any pics of your grows if any.
Peace & love fam. Have fun & remember
* ALSO. Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling, you will be reported. There rules not mine.
I will start off this show with three. this recipe calls for my absolute favorite drinks which is crown royal.
Drink #1. Hairy Ass. Crown royal, Dr. Pepper, peach schnapps, topped off with Yukon jack. I have tried this and have to say it is very good.
Drink #2.
Havent tried but to say the least the name kinda threw me for a loop. Lol
F**k You Up The Ass With A Banana (Cocktail). Start off with Baileys Irish Cream, Cream, Creme de Banane, Crown Royal, Jose Cuervo, and Kahlua to top it off.
Drink #3. Lethal Injection. Start off with (Punch)or Cranberry Juice, Crown Royal, Everclear, Southern Comfort. Havent tried this one yet, however I really like drinks that have punch and everclear. Reminds me of old school spiked watermelons with added everclear we would eat back in the day.
Makes the 4th now 5th thread started. Just can't keep it on track.. renamed it watering hole/cheese heads. Calling all cheese lovers.
Also feel free to post any pics of your grows if any.