4x Thai, AK47, Strawberry Cough, Silver Haze - 8 weeks VEG!


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow ever, done in soil.
I have 4 thai plants that are 2 months into vegging and 3 other plants. 1 AK-47, Strawberry Cough, and Silver Haze.

Right now they are all under one 400w MH.

I have a 600w HPS on the way here and I will be building my own cooltube and A-wing reflector for it.

I have been LSTing all my plants since I first got them and my room was just a closet and a light. They have been on Miracle Grow, but I will be switching to Flora Nova and a few budding nutes when I start flowering. I will flush the MG out beforehand.

Since I'm starting behind I'll have to catch up.

My 4 thai plants 3 days after I got them.

Fast forward 50 days.

I built a shelf in my closet. It now has 2 levels. One will be used for vegging. I have covered all the walls with mylar. I have also built cardboard baffles so I could completely surround my plants with mylar. All 4 of my thai plants have gone thro 2 different pots to end up in 5 gallon buckets. I have not done any topping or pruning to them. Only LST.

My 3 babies came to me with spider mites and gnats. I beat the piss out of them killing the mites, but I did it and didn't spread them to my thai plants. They took a really bad stunt, like 10 days, but finally came around and I was able to take 1 clone from each the other day to put in my 9$ bubble cloner.

Anyways these are pics from today, and from now on I will update this more. I have done alot of DIY stuff on this grow as well. Dirt ass cheap, and I'll share some of it later.



Well-Known Member
Thanks guy. The Silver Haze is really picking up fast and the AK is getting better. Those 3 little plants came to me with spider mites and I had to work really hard to kill them and not comtaminate my garden. They stunted for like 2 weeks after all this, and the AK the worse. It took bleach/water, soap/water, and neem oil over the course of a week in strong and thorough applications.
I almost thought I was gonna lose the AK completely because it was doing so bad for a miunte. The transplat and flush they just got before going into the 5 gallon buckets really is paying off this time.

And the dog is Grim, my min-pin :)


Well-Known Member
i dont think hed be grim.... id think the he should be prettyy damn happy lol...

also can u get Kill-A-Mite its helped e through so many problems, you can get away with 2 doses, but i like to take it easy on ma babies and give them a soft spray approx 3 times over a week....

and as sure as shit there gone :)

you have a nice selection im glad ya pulled it back together. they certainly look better now...


Well-Known Member
Yeh, I agree with you on "taking it easy". I'm a new grower so my first hand experience is minimal, but from what I've read I would normally go the same route. As it were tho, I have so much vested into just the 4 thai plants that I wanted to do whatever I could to keep the mites from spreading to them. So I just beat up those clones (I got them from another medical grower) really hard and hoped they'd make it so I could at least keep the strains going.

I was able to take 1 cutting off each of them 5 days ago. I made a little bubble cloner and used some Shultz dipping powder and set them in there.

I have no signs of roots, but I'm not giving up yet. Since my cloner is fairly ghetto, and my plants weren't 100% healthy so these could take a little longer to root than normal. Wish me luck. I'm hoping to flower these 3 but I need at least 1 clone of each to make it.

The weak bubble cloner. I just shot these real quick without any prep, justed lifted the lids and took pics.
I have the cloner sitting on a towel in an 18g rubbermaid. I have towels wrapped around it to help keep the res warm. I need a aquarium thermometer so I can check my templ, but it feels about right.

I have 2 12w flo tubes on a wooden ballast resting on the rubbermaids lip. I have blankets tossed over the top of all this to help keep it warm.

I taped over all the neoprene inserts after I got it all put together just to further light seal the whole thing. I think it was needed.



Well-Known Member

havent cloned with a bubble cloner.... maybe theres not enough rooting hormone i dunno..... ill do some research for ya and get back to ya onwhat i would doo...

y didnt you just clone normally ifthis is your first grew. all i know id when we dip i the mix the stem gets covoured....

anyhoo its been 5 days and they still have some health too em...... im not giving up either..... fingaz crossed...

wish i coulda helped but in all honest ive never bubble cloned so i cantgive ya personal experiences..... hopefully someone else will be able too..

sorry but i try not to answer questions if i dont know the answer will be helpfull... and i have no experience with this...

i know you can clone with justwater and you have rooting hormones in ther so its gotta have better chances....

there alive after 5 days and not drooped ta near death. so its prolly safe to say theyre getting water somehow.. and te longer they stay alive and it the mix theres a chance the roots will come :)


Well-Known Member

havent cloned with a bubble cloner.... maybe theres not enough rooting hormone i dunno..... ill do some research for ya and get back to ya onwhat i would doo...

y didnt you just clone normally ifthis is your first grew. all i know id when we dip i the mix the stem gets covoured....

anyhoo its been 5 days and they still have some health too em...... im not giving up either..... fingaz crossed...

wish i coulda helped but in all honest ive never bubble cloned so i cantgive ya personal experiences..... hopefully someone else will be able too..

sorry but i try not to answer questions if i dont know the answer will be helpfull... and i have no experience with this...

i know you can clone with justwater and you have rooting hormones in ther so its gotta have better chances....

there alive after 5 days and not drooped ta near death. so its prolly safe to say theyre getting water somehow.. and te longer they stay alive and it the mix theres a chance the roots will come :)

Yeh, I kind of wish I had just gone with some rapid rooters, or even some jiffy pellets. I have some of those already. If these don't take, I will have to try once more and I'll probably go that way.

But you've made me optimistic. The foliage is still healthy so hopefully they pull thro, you're right.

I needed that input, I was pretty worried about them and I don't wanna mess with the girls anymore now that they're taking off.

Here's a pic I just shot of the Silver Haze. She's starting to look real healthy,

Oh, and here's a pic of someone on this sites crazy ass pink pheno version of some unknown strain.
Never seen anything like it. Just thought I'd share a cool pic tho I take no credit for it.


Well-Known Member
yeah if u got rid of the bug theres a good chance the plants will pull thrue....

done a bit of outdoor... ya stuck in a skermish throught most of veg sometimes lol... but like i said when i get rid of them the plants generally look sweet again....

not alwys mind you but every once and a while the bugs seem to find yaplants :(


Well-Known Member
So I think one of my clones is showing the first signs of roots, it's my first time doing it but I think thats what I see.

I'm wondering tho if its ok to add more rooting hormone? Or is the initial application all you are suppossed to use?

I'm using Schultz rooting powder, it's a pretty dinky Fred Meyers powder but I know other growers use it.

If I don't see roots on the other 2 in a day or two should i try adding some? Or maybe even now? Or leave it alone?


Well-Known Member
So I think one of my clones is showing the first signs of roots, it's my first time doing it but I think thats what I see.

I'm wondering tho if its ok to add more rooting hormone? Or is the initial application all you are suppossed to use?

I'm using Schultz rooting powder, it's a pretty dinky Fred Meyers powder but I know other growers use it.

If I don't see roots on the other 2 in a day or two should i try adding some? Or maybe even now? Or leave it alone?
bro u use the rooting hormone once after u make the cut then let the roots show....repot... and go from there.......never use the rooting hormone unless ur cutting and plan on dipping.......


Well-Known Member
The clones are already in the cloner, I used the hormone when I made the initial cuts. I followed the directions on how to take clones based on the info I got from multiple books. The Horiculture Bible by Jorge Cervantes, and the Canna Cultivator book by Mel Thomas to name a few. My question was just about re-application. If it is at all beneficial to apply some more hormone, or if it is bad for the plant to do this. The powder won't be readily available to the cutting at this point since it has long since been washed away.

I could easily put some powder in a spoon and just dab the bottom of my cuttings without even disturbing them.

I just wanted some input since it's not something I've seen info about.


Well-Known Member
good lookin plants. How did you get the one in the middle of the first pic to grow like that? I mean...what kind of technique?

Here is my min-pin



Well-Known Member
good lookin plants. How did you get the one in the middle of the first pic to grow like that? I mean...what kind of technique?

Here is my min-pin

I've used LST on my plants throught my grow. That's just tying down branches to allow other branches to catch up. I did alot of reading about FIMing, supercropping, regular pruning, and LSTing before I started this grow and it just seems like the best method of training for extra tops. The plant is not stressed with this method and since plants naturally signal for the highest point on the plant to "reach" the most you are able to control you're canopy easily this way.

I'll take some more pics tomorrow and show a little more detail on just how many tops this has made me. I have been pretty persistent in my tie-downs. Making new ones every 2 days or so. It's getting really difficult now tho, it's like 30 minutes per plant at the least. I think my plants would be near 6' at least if I hadn't done as much work on them.

Cute dog btw. I love mine, hes awesome.


Well-Known Member
So I'm not sure if that was a root or not that I was seeing last night. I think it was a mix of seeing what I wanted to see and a bad view of the stem.

Anyways, here's a pic of them now. I think my cloner is staying very moist, and the fact that I took the clones near the base of the plant might be an issue as well. Jorge Cervantes book says that clones taken from the lower branches root the easiest because they contain more of the proper rooting hormones. So I took my clones from the lower part of my plant. On this site tho many people say the clones near the top root the best. Not sure which is more accurate, I guess we'll see how it goes.

My clones were taken from weakened plants that had just became healthy like 2 days beforehand, so that could be slowing them also.

2 more days and we try new clones if we see no more new progress on these.

Also alot of excess ceramic from my airstone is in the res, but I don't know if that will really hurt anything. Here's some pics, any input is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Got for sure roots coming in on one of the clones yesterday. I had put more rooting hormone on them 2 days previous. So I'm not sure if it was that, or just coincidence that started it along but they look good today.

I tweaked the bottom of one just the smallest bit and it snapped off. I then pulled it out of the collar and saw that it had been in there to snug and got a little choked out. The other one was a little similar but not as bad. I loosened 'em up a bit and added some more rooting powder.

They all still look very healthy, the cutting is staying alive just fine, they're just being slow about roots.

The other plants are all looking good too. I'll have more pics up tomorrow.
I did some more work in my closet and got things stabilized and the second level is cleaned up and ready for some t5 floros. It will be the permanent veg spot.

I will also be building an A-wing reflector + home-made cool tube for my 600w hps light.

I bought all the supplies at Home Depot the other day - the cord and the mogul.

My item list -
24"x36" Sheet Metal 9$
2' plumbing metal sheet 1$
20'x4" ducting 11$
5x4 duct reducer 5$
3/16 eye screws x2 1$
3/16 nuts for eye screws x4 1$
Hurricane Glass - Michaels 6$
Mogul - 6$

Total around 40$ for the reflector and the cool tube. I already had a few things (like the chain to hang it and the mylar) but all in all still very cheap. I'll put a step by step up for it. Borrowing from Quazi and Ticks refectors from ICMag. I hope it comes out good. I'm not the handiest guy.


Well-Known Member
My roots! Just one has 'em. But the rest are still looking pretty good so I'm confident they'll come.



Well-Known Member
My Silver Haze. She's got her stalks ready. Gonna flower soon. She is always reaching!

The Cough

The AK

The rest

The bottom area. I want to do like 20 autoflower AK/Ryders down there with some t-5's along the top and cfls all around. Like 500w total down there.
Right now my cloner is down there and my supplies.
