

Well-Known Member
5-5-5 can sustain some of your veg phase.

During vegetative growth the plants need lots of N (nitrogen). They also need a fair amount of P (phosphorus) and K (potassium). A plant food that is 20-10-10, or 30-15-15, or something similar, with trace elements should do a very good job.

During flowering the plants need more P (phosphorus) and more K (potassium) than they did during vegetative growth. They need some N (nitrogen) but not as much as they did during vegetative growth. They also need calcium.

If you used:
--- something like 20-10-10 for vegetative growth, then try using 10-20-20 (or similar) for flowering.
--- something like 30-15-15 for vegetative growth, then try using 15-30-30 (or similar) for flowering.


Active Member
what is the best food source for marijuana?

is 5-5-5 a good food source?
Use a complete fertilizer anyone that has all micro and macro nutes any product with a 2-1-2 ratio will work wonders for you also find a water soluble product this will ensure good positive uptake of all nutes. Good Luck


Active Member
thanks much JJD..my plants are in their 4th week of flower now..i have 3..i used 8-7-6 for their vegetative stage..but i've recently changed their diet to 5-5-5 coz i noticed that they've slowed down on flowering and also some of their leafs were beginning to show burns..


Active Member
thats fantastic i would consider finding a nute solution with a 1-2-2 for strictly flower production you also might do good to add some rock phosphate to the bottom of your container it is very slow to releae but plants love that stuff also make sure your pH is at acceptable levels


Active Member
thanks guys..will see if this solution does anything first..if not..i'll try get something with a lower nitrogen..

some of the hairs on my babies flower are turning red..and some that turned red has slowly dried out into nothing..does anyone know what could be wrong with them???