5 day old transplant

hi everyone..i just transplanted my plants into different soil...i tried to dig around the plant so i wouldnt hurt roots but there was so little roots i just picked the plant up..my question is is this bad to transplant this soon


Well-Known Member
You normally wouldn't transplant until the roots fill its current pot up. Doing so can damage the delicate root structure of he plant while it's still developing. That being said, if the plant lives then it lives. Next time be patient and let its roots fill out the container.


New Member
5 day old seedlings is very much to soon to transplant unless you are using a bottle cap to start. I start in 4" pots or solo cups and when the roots are visible in the drain holes, I move em out. Good luck, I hope you did not stress her to badly. Also do not dig into the soil to transplant. Wait until a couple hours after watering, Tip the plant upside down with your fingers at the base of the stem and gently shake, the whole thing will come out smoothly.


New Member
Also, please view this video, it will help tremendously
